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Warnings: swearing, torture, and I sincerely apologize but I made Chris a bitch in this one shot


When Hondo woke up, the first thing he noticed was that he couldn't feel the ground, second was that his hand were tied above him to the ceiling

Hondo moved his hands around trying to get free before concluding that they were tied too tight to get out

After that he decided to take a look around him, as much as he could anyway

He looked to his left and saw a table with tiny knives and a few other things that he could only class as torture devices

He looked to his right and saw a door in the corner

He finally looked ahead of him and saw something, or rather someone that made him immediately freeze up

Street was hanging by his hands right in front of him with a cut on his head and a bruise forming of his face

"Hey kid" Hondo tried to wake him up "hey kid wake up, come on man"

Street let out a soft groan

"Yeah, that's it kid just open your eyes" Hondo encouraged

Street slowly opened his eyes, blinking a couple times to focus his vision

"H'ndo? Street mumbled, confused

"yeah kid" Hondo responded "it's me"

"Wh' h'ppened?"

Hondo didn't like how much his voice was slurring

He probably has a concussion

"What do you remember?" Hondo asked in return

Street shook his head, wincing as he did so

"Nothin' aft'r leavin' head quarters" Street sounding more awake but his words were still slurring a little

"I think we were jumped" Hondo said after a second

"No shit Sherlock" Street said

Hondo rolled his eyes but he was glad that Street seemed mostly okay

"But I don't know who it was or what they want"

Just as he finished that sentence, the door opened, creaking loudly making Street squeeze his eyes shut as it made his 'headache' worse

Hondo glared at the man that walked in

(I can't do descriptions of people so imagine who ever the fuck you want)

Street looked at Hondo, his anxiety spiking a lot

Hondo looked at Street and tried to assure him with his eyes, and it seemed to work a little bit since Street visibly calmed a little bit

The man walked to Hondo first

Hondo shifted his gaze away from Street to death stare the guy in front of him

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