I feel Viv's arms wrap around me as I start to sob harder, she just comforts me knowing why I'm crying like this. After a few seconds I feel a second pair of arms wrap around me, Katie's.

"It's going to be ok Ro,"Viv whispers into my ear ",we will make sure to be at all of your games so you'll still see us"

"Promise" I say sniffling looking up at both of them


"Promise," They say in sync bringing me back into the hug for the last time until the first game.

"Come on Roro, it's time to go now." Leah says standing in the doorway, Beth already sat in the car.

I reluctantly bring myself out of the hug wiping my eyes on my jacket.

"I'll miss you lots, love you" I say walking out of the door and towards the car, Leah opens the door getting in first as she knew I wanted to be sat next to the window.

I get in shutting the door waving to Katie and Viv as the driver sets off towards St. Georges park.

Laying my head on Leah's shoulder as the house went out of view getting myself ready for what was to come.

"Ro, it's time to get up now we're here" Leah whispers into my ear rubbing my arm up and down. I had fallen asleep in the car, typical me, I can fall asleep practically anywhere. I once fell asleep, stood up leaning against Katie, who didn't notice until Lia pointed it out.

The butterflies came back as I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car thanking the driver.

I walked round to the back of the car and Leah handed me my suitcase whilst grabbing her own at the same time. Coming to stand next to me Beth held my hand knowing my nerves were through the roof.

"Right let's go in" Lotte said knowing that I would probably stand out there all day if I could.

As we made our way up the stairs, the nerves started coming up my throat and into my mouth. I ran to the closest bin I could once we had gotten inside the building, glad we were the first ones to arrive as the cameras hadn't started rolling yet.

Leah came up and rubbed my back whilst Jordan went to go and put our suitcases in the meeting room where they would be taken up to our room for us. Lotte handed me a small bottle of water she had gone to get whilst I was hunched over the bin.

"Hey, you alright now" Beth said joking, walking in our direction

"Yeah, I'm alright now," I replied with an honest smile on my face.

Half an hour later and the rest of the girls started to arrive, meaning that I would be meeting every single one of them very soon. That didn't make me feel as sick as I thought it would. Me, Leah, Beth, Jordan and Lotte all sat on the sofa. Me sat on Beth's knee with my legs spread out over Lotte and Jordan, my feet just about reaching Leah.

Surprisingly none of the girls came over to greet us as they walked in, probably the look Leah was giving them scared them off. No one wants to mess with Leah when she glares at you, I have been on the end of some of them and they are not nice.

Another half an hour later and all of the girls had arrived, still none of them came to greet us, even if I had told Leah that it was ok.

"Right girls can you all come into the meeting room please" Sarina said appearing out of literally nowhere. I stood up from Beth's knee grabbing the hand of the person closest to me, which was surprisingly Lotte. She just gave me a smile and squeezed my hand to reassure me.

I decided that I should sit with Lotte as she was calm and collected unlike Beth and Jordan who were like excitable puppies, and Leah would have to get up at some point to make a speech, with her being captain and all.

"Right girls, I'm happy that you could all make it. Most of you know each other, however we have a new face with us today" This made everyone look in my direction, I could feel my face heating up so I just turned and buried my head into Lotte. "Make her feel welcome please, now you all have the training schedule in your email's, and I will now read out the rooms, once your room has been said you can go and grab your keys and make your way up"


Jill and Ellen

Alessia and Ella

Millie and Rachel

Lucy and Kiera

Jordan and Fran

Georgia and Leah"

My heart started pounding as the list went on. Jordan and Leah already had roommates. What if I got put with someone I don't know? How would I cope?

"Demi and Alex

Niamh and Jess

Mary and Katie

Lauren and Hannah

Nikita and Ellie

And finally Lotte and Beth"

What? Why hasn't my name been called out? I am so confused, and as it seems so is Leah.

"Why doesn't Rosie have a roommate?" Leah shouts to Sarina as she walks back from getting her room key

"Yes I was just getting to that, I was wondering who you would be most comfortable sharing with Rosie" Sarina says walking up to where me and Leah stood.

"Erm," I replied quietly, "probably just the Arsenal girls really. I don't mind any of them"

"Well you can choose for yourself, and if you want to sleep in a different room every night then that's what you can do, we can get you a blow up bed if you want" Sarina replies

"No it's ok, I'll just share beds" I say still quiet but a little bit louder, trusting Sarina a bit more each time we spoke.

"Ok that's fine, you can do that"

"Thank you Sarina" Me and Leah said at the same time, as we walked over to where Beth was standing talking to Alessia, Ella and Mary.

"Will you be alright with all three of them," Leah asked, obviously cautious incase I was going to throw up again.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, I'm not going to be sick again, don't worry," I said laughing as she smiled, shaking her head at me. As we got closer Leah swung her arm around my shoulder, letting me know that she was there for me if I needed her.

Forever familyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora