Chapter Four

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"Hello, Father." Onyx's voice sliced through the air, she was unsure of her own feelings at that moment. Conflicted emotions swirled within her, as she awaited her father's reaction with a mixture of hope and apprehension. She had awaited the day she would be reunited with her father, the day she would finally be free from the Queen's grasp and back where she belonged. With the pack. But now as he stood before her, she didn't know what to say, what to do, but mostly what to think. Was this really her father staring back at her? The loving man whom she remembered as a child. Or was it the cowered? The one whom never came for her, the one whom never found her. It made her beg the question, "Did he ever look?".

Dezenym remained still, his silver hair rustling slightly in the breeze. His golden eyes bore into her with a mix of emotions that mirrored her own. For a long moment, the forest seemed to hold its breath, as the weight of their reunion hung in the air.

Then, with a slow and deliberate movement, he stepped forward. His antler crown seemed to gleam in the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees. He reached out a hand, fingers slightly trembling as he gently touched Onyx's face. It was a touch filled with tenderness and longing, a touch that needed no words to convey the depths of his feelings.

"You look just like your mother", he finally spoke, with a tone of sweet honey. Soft and calm like a gentle breeze.

Tears welled up in Onyx's golden eyes as she gazed at her father, her heart aching with a mixture of joy and sadness. "Father," she choked out, her voice trembling. "I thought you had abandoned me."

Dezenym's expression crumbled, with tears in his eyes he pulled Onyx into a tight embrace. "I searched for you tirelessly, my love. I tore Druzatria apart with my bare hands to find you. I had grown to fear the worst."

He held her close, as if trying to make up for all the years they had been apart. Then, reluctantly, he pulled away, his golden eyes searching Onyx's face as if trying to memorize every detail. "You've grown so much," he said softly. "You're not the little girl I remember."

"It's been a long time, Father." Onyx replied she still remained unsure how much to trust him. But he was her father, the only one she would ever have, she would learn to trust, to understand.

Dezenym turned his attention to the others, his gaze lingering on each of them, until he reached Rok. His gaze lingered on the Half-breed with disapproval and hatred. "And who are they?" he asked with a sharp tone as he nodded towards them.

Onyx hesitated for a moment, her gaze shifting from her father to Rok, "They have fought alongside me," Onyx replied, her voice carrying a note of firmness. "That is Jade, and Oldren," she said as she gestured to the both of them. "And that is Rok, without him I would be lost, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here before you"

Dezenym's expression remained guarded as he regarded each of them in turn. His gaze lingered on Rok, the Half-breed, with a hint of distrust. "A Half-breed," he muttered under his breath, his tone heavy with disdain.

Onyx could see Rok shifting his weight as if forcing himself to hold in his anger. His jaw clenching, as he too, stared dominantly at Dezenym with hard eyes.

Jade, on the other hand, flashed a mischievous grin and gave a mock bow. "The one and only, sir," he quipped, his tone light and playful, however no one seemed to acknowledge Jade's humor.

Oldren simply scowled at Dezenym, not one to be easily intimidated. "We're here to help Onyx," he grumbled, "Whether you like it or not."

Dezenym's gaze remained fixed on Rok for a moment longer, but then he seemed to relent, his features softening slightly. "If Onyx trusts you, then I shall learn to as well." Rok, though still tense, gave a curt nod of acknowledgment. He didn't seem entirely comfortable, but he was willing to extend a tentative truce for Onyx's sake.

Dezenym's golden gaze shifted from Rok to Onyx, and he let out a low, melodic whistle. It carried through the forest, a hauntingly beautiful sound that seemed to hang in the air like a promise.

Moments later, the dense underbrush rustled behind him, and from the shadows emerged a pack of Direwolves. Each tall as a horse, their imposing forms gathered behind Dezenym. Their fur was a mix of earthy browns, light whites and deep blacks, some darker others lighter. Their eyes gleaming with intelligence and curiosity, each pair ranging from a variety of colors. They moved with a grace and fluidity that was both mesmerizing and eerie.

Dezenym gestured towards the wolves, his voice filled with pride. "These are the Direwolves of the North, Khanka, our pack" he finished looking at Onyx with a look of confidence and joy.

Jade couldn't contain his excitement as glanced at all the wolves, his green eyes falling on each one. "Well hello, oversized wolves," he said with a wide grin.

However Rok and Oldren, being the ever so cautious ones of the group, kept a respectful distance from the wolves. They watched them with wary eyes, acknowledging their beauty and power but not trusting them. For as they were beautiful, they were also hunters and that meant killing was thick in their instincts.

Dezenym turned to the wolves with an alpha-like tone in his eyes, both commanding and thoughtful. "You can change, they are no harm to us"

As Dezenym gave the command, the wolves backed away slowly, their massive forms melting away like shadows in the night. And then as though made of fog, the wolves dissolved into the sky like mist. In their place stood a group of individuals, each bearing their own striking features. Each unique, each different from the other.

"Untie them, we have much to discuss," His strong voice dominating.   

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