65 17 2

Written by: khadyjatt



WARNING: This chapter contain dialogue about vodoo practice, black magic and superstition which some readers may find offensive and against there religion practices.

Growing up was fun, especially as an only child, faisal grow up in a healthy loving environment, it took his parent 5years after marriage to conceive him, so when he was born he got everything he want and asked for, he never know what NO means because he get more than he even asked for, he was only three years then when things started changing around home, his dad spending late night out and his mum paying less attention to him, constant quarrel becomes regular in the house and the once happy livelihood become gloomy,
He doesn't really recall much but his mum bestfriend was always at there home giving his mum the necessary support she needed at that time but one day his parents have a huge disagreement his mum what's heartbroken that's all he could remember that day, she left that faithful evening and when she came back she cried herself to sleep cuddling him and it was the last time he would feel her next to him because the next morning he wakes up and his dad was not home, he waited and waited for his mum to wake up to give him breakfast but she didn't he snack around and afternoon came by she never left the bed he snack around it's until evening when his dad came back and he told him his mum refused to leave the bed, he went to check on her knowing she's probably still enrage about there disagreement yesterday but his wife was dead, she died and he knows he was responsible for that misfortunate, that evening everything happened so fast for faisal, his mum was buried and his dad took him to stay with his grandparents,
Barely a month later his dad brought him back home,
Introducing his mum's best friend as his new mum, she would take care of you and want what's best for you just like your mum was his exact word, as of that time Faisal wouldn't comprehend  anything he was a child and he know his dad makes the rightful decision by doing that or so he thought, but as he grow up so was his brain, memories, painful memories and he began figuring things by himself until he realises his mum was the bait and the layer of deception, lies and deceit sorrounding her dead was never Natural as his dad claimed to be,
At first he wanted to blamed his dad for everything but then as days past, weeks, months and years he realized the realised his dad is also a victim,
The more he grow the more realise and know things, unforgivable things, the dark cloud sorrounding that household.

To believe in spiritual being, voodoo or black magic was never something Faisal thought about, even though some questionable and unexplained incidents kept happening during his childhood to teenage age he never let those change his believe, but eventually he knows those things are real and people would go beyond humanity to commit evil just to accomplish there goals,
After his dad married his mum best friend who he address as Mami everything seems to be going fine or so he thought but as the years past he could see and hear things, evil things she speaks over the phone or caught her doing things he shouldn't have seen, she would threaten him and even when he told his dad he never listen moreover he got beaten on top, when he turn teenager he decide to act like one, he ignored some certain things and pretend to be blind when he caught his step mum doing things the most basic things he would never forget and git terrify by the act was one faithful Friday


Faisal's pov

I have never anticipated coming home, not because no don't want to but because I feel I'm not needed, but the environment creeps me out, the negative energy surrounding that house is intoxicating, I'm schooling at the state university not because my dad couldn't afford a better private uni or couldn't let me school abroad but because my step mum makes decision around here and as she decide so it stand.
I decide to stay at the hostel because staying here is perilous both day and night, I'm never one to believe in black magic practice I believe whatever happened to a person its Alla Allah set doing but after numerous experience all I can say is human beings are evil, I know my step mum was responsible for my mums predicament before she passed away 15years ago, it's really terrifying that those close to us are actually the problems in our life and the people we trust the most sometimes are the ones responsible for whatever we are going through,
my mum was a victim of that and perhaps she couldn't handle the betrayal and she died that faithful day, I took that as part of life and part of my fate.

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