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Written by:khadyjatt



Having to loss her dad and then heartbreak is literally too much for jannah to handle, she had so much expectations for that relationship, why hammad did what he did to her only him knows because her intentions where pure, 2weeks passed and it's as though jannah is beginning to loss her sanity,
the problem with getting attached to someone is that, when they leave us we just feel lost,
as usual she's laying on the bed in the bedroom she could hear her step mum Maman walidah calling her but she ignored her.

"Ya jannah Maman walidah is calling you."Mama say and jannah hiss, her junior sister just stare at her wondering what wrong with her junior sister, this past few days jannah has been nothing but disrespectful she could say all sort of mean things to anyone without care of how that would hurt them, she could even encourage her junior siblings to disrespect others and do as they pleased.

"Ya ja.......

"Leave me, get the fuck out of my bedroom."jannah yell loud enough that her step mother and even elder sister Maryam who was drying her clothes heard her.

"Go and tell the person that send you that I'm not coming, get out of my sight."she say as Maryam enter the bedroom and usher mama out.

"Jannah what's your p..........

"Please madam I don't want your advice, tomorrow is your wedding how about you face that and stop meddling into my life."jannah say and Maryam just look at her surprisingly.

"None of this will bring dad back and certainly your relationship with hammad is done, get over it a..........

"At least I got people that pretend to love me nobody is giving me out for charity to some dumbass jobless guy." Jannah say with a hiss and stand up.

Maryam just watch in bewilderment, she's speechless sincerely, she watch as her sister grab the veil from the door and exit the bedroom grumbling to herself.

"Jannah!"Maman walidah call but she ignore the middle age lady and storm out of the premises just in time her step mum Aunty Ummi is coming in, jannah without a care nudge the elderly lady and exit the house as everyone just look in puzzlement.

"What happened to her l?"Aunty Ummi ask and Maryam narrated everything to her.

"May God deliver her."Aunty Ummi say and sit on the chair in the premises.
"Yusuf come and buy........

The gate was barge open with a swing making it to hit the wall loudly gaining everyone attention and jannah walk inside.

"Buy airtime for me an.......

"He's not going,
Yusuf get inside."jannah say snatching the money from her younger brother and throw it on her step mum.

Are you mad?
What wrong with you?
Break up is it madness or will the almighty said he isn't going to bring another man into your life?

"Don't yell at me,
None of you care stop acting like y'all care and aren't happy with the fact that hammad left me,
No one should disturb me or my siblings in this house."she say and dragged her brother with her and enter the apartment.

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