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Very down dowm😂👇

You no go give up😂 oya go down👇

Carry on comrade😂👇

WRITTEN BY: khadyjatt




The scary thing about death is that eventually no matter how much that person mean to you the impact he make in your life or the relationship one would eventually move on but we can't deny the fact that once In a while we find ourself missing them more than usual,
Life was never easy for jannah she managed her business and jibril did start his bathing saloon which became a success and he eventually got admission into the state college of education,
Mama got admission to studying medicine and also do her tailoring service at home while jannah face her poultry business, she would go see Yusuf every Friday making sure he is okay,.

"I'm not going to tolerate this,
What nonsense, she is leaving this house this minute."the familiar voice yell jannah could hear right from the gate.

Yes, she finally mustered some courage to come visit her elder brother and she must say the negative vibe from his wife is what would make her leave earlier than she plan, she was here yesterday but she felt like it's a week already.

"Then who gave her the permission to eat the food?
What nonsense, I'm not tolerating this, she should leave or I will leave."she heard the temperamental woman nag as she open the door.

"Sallamualaikum."Jannah say entering the parlor.

Either of them answer which makes her feel even more worthless. She quietly went to the bedroom she slept in and begin packing the clothes she arranged this morning in the wardrobe, she should have listen to Jibril and didn't even come, now she wonder what he had been through in this house because from all indication this lady make 90% decision here.

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