Part 65: Three Man Down

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April 16, 8:45pm
Gotham City

When Jason swung himself up onto Dick's balcony, Willa let out a startled gasp. Jason wobbled, shocked at her presence. "What are you doing out here?" He asked once two feet were safely planted, "it's freezing."

"It never snows in LA. I was just watching the snow." She felt like she had to defend herself. "Plus I had to kill time waiting for Dick." She slipped the little black box back in her pocket.

Jason looked through the glass into the apartment, like he thought she was joking. "He's not back yet?"

Willa sighed, "no, I was hoping you were him. I'm hungry."

He smirked, "I just came by to see some of Dick's reports. I want to check if we've missed something. Maybe there's a clue in there about Bruce."

Willa nodded and pulled her sweater tighter around herself. She opened the sliding door to let them both in, then closed and locked it behind Jason. "Yeah for sure, I'll grab his iPad, I think it's in here charging. She went into Dick's bedroom and found his iPad right where she thought it would be, charging by his bed.

"Don't you have a key?" She called out to Jason, "I'm sure you could use the elevator like a normal person."

"My way is more efficient."

She rolled her eyes. Of course it is.

"Hey Will..."

She held the device in her arms and went to walk back out of the room to hand it to Jason. She stopped in the doorway to check her phone. Where was Dick? He should have been home by now, or at least texted her he was running late. She put her phone back in her back pocket. Jason was standing in the middle of the room, a hair too tense. "Jason?"

He glanced at her, "stay right there for a sec."

She took a half a step backwards when the glass sliding doors exploded. And... Batman? Dived through, tackling Jason.

He grunted when he hit the ground, Bruce's hands like a vice around his neck. Jason looked at Willa, eyes frantic, "go!" he gasped out as Bruce pressed down even harder.

Willa chucked the iPad at Bruce's head then took cover behind the counter. She heard Jason shove Bruce off of him and then the sound of them exchanging blows. It didn't sound like Jason was winning.

"Bruce! It's Jason! You can fight this!"

The kitchen island shook with the force of Jason's body slamming into it. Willa watched Jason's head disappear as he ducked under one of Bruce's fists and then the sound of Jason leading Bruce away from the kitchen. Furniture was smashed, but Willa tuned it out, her eyes locked on the door. She was no help in a fist fight against Batman. She was a distraction to Jason until she could get out of here. She activated the distress button Dick had programmed into her phone and hoped Barbara sent help.

The boom of a boomtube opening shook the apartment. Willa made a beeline for the door but gasped as the box in her pocket burned so hot she dropped to one knee. It was scorching through her jeans. She yelped as she floundered and tried to get it off of her as it felt like her flesh was melting.

"Whoa!" She curled into a ball on the floor as Jason smashed into the cabinets over head, sending dishes and wood chips raining down. He fell to the floor, conscious, but unsteady on his feet. His head was bleeding, as was his nose, and he held his arm like it was injured.

"Bruce you've got to fight this," he wheezed out, ducking to the side as Bruce lunged.

Willa gritted her teeth and started crawling for the door again. Damnit, the thing in her pocket just burned more the farther away she got from the boomtube. She froze, aware that it was too quiet for a battle. When she turned to look, Batman held Jason by his throat, his body limp. Willa stifled a cry. He couldn't be dead. He wasn't.

Batman locked eyes with her and stalked over, dragging Jason's body along with him. Willa scurried back, raising her hands. She could feel the incessant, constant burning of the goddamn box in her pocket. Batman paused in front of her and cocked his head to the side, like he didn't know what to do with her. He hadn't been given orders about her, she realized. If she looked closer, it's like she could almost see Bruce fighting internally with himself.

He finally jerked his arm, tossing Jason's body to her. "Let's go." He motioned for her to get up.

She pulled herself to her feet and finally got Jason up too, his weight collapsed on her. He groaned, barely conscious. She swayed when she walked due to the weight, but Batman didn't say anything, he just watched until she was at the entrance of the boomtube.

The burning stopped. Bruce gave her a small shove and she walked through.

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