Part 15: Good Morning America

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July 17th, 5:12am
New York City

Willa yawned, causing her makeup artist to laugh and wait to finish applying her lipstick. It was earlier than she was used to. Good Morning America filmed at six in the morning, which meant she had been up since four. That plus the jet lag of flying in last night did not make for a fun morning. It was fine though, Willa had slept on the plane and all she had to do presently was sit still while people made her look pretty.

Her team really was fantastic. Somehow they made her look full of life and well rested without overdoing the makeup. Her hair was freshly blown out and her makeup was a clean look with a nice pink lip. It would go well with the black and white outfit she had picked out for the show.

She yawned again, aware her schedule the past month was wearing her down. Press for a project like Prodigy was intense, but Willa enjoyed it, rarely saying no to interviews or appearances. The New York leg was the final one though before the premiere in LA. Press plus fundraisers and events, plus meetings with Goode World Studios didn't leave a lot of free time. Honestly, sometimes Willa preferred that. It forced her to focus on the present, her current job, rather than giving her brain space to overthink.

Her dressing room door opened and her co-star and friend, Evan Lynd, walked in, looking handsome as ever. Willa squealed and hopped off her chair as he caught her in a hug, picking her feet off the floor. "Good morning, gorgeous," he said, putting her down. "When did you get in?"

"Last night," Willa answered, sitting back down for her final touches on hair and makeup. Evan had been here a few days already, doing press, but Willa had a costume fitting back in LA. Shadowblaster would start filming just three days after the Prodigy premiere. "How have things been going?" She asked Evan. He had taken a seat on the small couch in her dressing room, propping his feet up on the coffee table and helping himself to a piece of fruit.

"Pretty good. It'll be better now that you're here," he grinned, his dimple showing. Photographers and girls everywhere loved that dimple.

Evan and Willa had come up together. Evan was from London, coming off a BBC series when he booked the title role in Legend. They had broken out together, and became best friends while filming and press. It was the best part of sequels, getting to hang out everyday. It was nice to have a friend so they hung out as much as possible when they were in the same city, and especially on the same press tour.

"How'd the fitting go?" He asked, watching Willa's hair get curled. "Do you get your own super suit?"

Willa locked eyes with him in the mirror. "You would die if you saw the outfit they originally wanted me in for the finale."

Evan's eyes widened, "no."


He groaned, "let me guess, a mini skirt? No, a bikini? Heels?"

Willa turned to face him, trying to fight her smile, "the final battle is supposed to take place on Halloween. They had me in a pink latex minidress, garter belts, and heels."

"No!" He fell back on the couch, covering his eyes, "what is this, 1980?"

"That's what I said!" Willa's makeup artist shook his head, just as blown away while her hair stylist laughed at Willa and Evan's reactions. "It's like they forgot I've been training for like two years as an action heroine. I can't be a damsel in distress dressed up like Barbie."

"I bet that didn't go over well," Evan muttered.

"Luckily I had Sam write in my contract I get a say in my character," Willa answered, "otherwise I'd be stuck with it."

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