His music automatically starts playing, and he drives to Prudential Center. He puts one hand on my thigh and the other is gripping the steering wheel. He yawns a few times, rubbing his eyes over and over again. "Jack, I could've driven myself to work. You should've rested while you're still on break." I run my thumb over his beard. 

"No, no I wanted to." he insists, turning his head to the side to kiss the palm of my hand. I intertwine my fingers with his for the rest of the drive and once we get to my entrance he stops the car, tucking my hair behind my ear. "I love you, have a good day at work." he kisses me, wiping my lower lip with a smile. 

I get out of the car, swiping my fob to open the door. I slip inside and head towards where I'll be filming today. I open the door and leave it open while I adjust the backdrop Jack helped me put up yesterday and fix the lights getting a few test shots to see how it will look on camera. Once everything is all good and working I wait for the boys to show up. 

After a while, Ethan and Seamus walk in together with their cups of coffee, wearing their jerseys like I had asked them to for a video. They stand beside each other with a stack of cups in front of them. I start recording in case we can use any of the outtakes as bloopers and explain what the boys will be doing with them. 

"Okay, Seamus and Ethan you're going to race," I start before Ethan cuts me off with a child-like whine, "Like run?" he asks telling Seamus that he is so sore from their workout from the day before. "No, let me finish. You're going to stack the cups as fast as you can." I continue, trying to keep their attention for as long as I can, but that's only so long. 

Their attention is already gone when Seamus unstacks the cups and restacks them into a tower, causing Ethan to yell that he wasn't ready. Ethan gets frustrated with his teammate and knocks down his tower. The cups fall to the floor making the both of them laugh as Seamus punches Ethan's tower down. 

He holds his fist cackling as they pick up their cups from the floor. This is going to be impossible like forcing Trevor not to cuddle you impossible. "Oh my god, wait. I'll tell you when." I laugh, attempting to sound serious when in reality I keep having to turn my head to not laugh. I stop the video and restart as the cups are back to the way they originally were. 

They do as I say and play a few rounds as the rest of the rookies come rolling in. They play a tournament, trying to figure out who will be crowned the king of cup stacking. When Seamus wins the rest of the group asks for a rematch but I certainly don't have the willpower to do rematches. 

I let them change into regular Devils' merchandise and record some fun get-to-know-you videos. One by one of course or somehow, someway the two boys from UMich would find a way to make it a competition and stress me out. 

Around two hours into our mini media day, Jack comes by. He strolls in like he's supposed to be here but knows he'll get a lecture from me. "You're supposed to be home. Resting," I remind him as he hugs me. Holtz chuckles at us when my boyfriend shushes me. His chuckle turns into a full cackle when Jack jumps at his coach's voice. 

"Jesus Christ Jack since you want to be here so bad help Beatrice out and hang out with the rookies." Lindy says, grumbling something about how the players take their vacation time for granted as he looks down at his clipboard. Once he's gone Jack shrugs his shoulders, taking a seat behind me. "Fine by me." he says, kicking his feet up onto a table.  

I wag my finger from side to side and force him to be in at least one video since he wants to be around. "I'm not good on camera." he whines like a child, just as Ethan did. "Oh trust me I know but I don't care." I respond, making the rookies laugh. 

For the next part of the day, I will be asking to boys to do some ASMR.  Ethan very enthusiastically asks to go first, and that should scare me but he swears he's good at it and even Seamus vouched for him. I shrug my shoulders and agree for him to go first, putting the mic in front of Ethan and let him freestyle until he runs out of ideas. 

let the light in | jack hughesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon