Chapter 85

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[June 22, 2024]


Since Jack got my matching tattoo I've become obsessed with looking at it. When he's asleep beside me I'll just stare at his forearm and read the word over and over again. But don't get me started on the stars on his ribs, I'll run a finger over them just to make sure it's real, and it makes me giddy every single time.  To make things better he loves his new ink. I see a small smile show up on his face when he looks at them in the mirror. 

It's adorable and I was the same way when I got my first tattoo. I'd either forget it was there or would not stop looking at it. No in-between. 

This brings me to right now, where he's laying on top of me and his stars are shining up at me. With my middle finger, I draw out the shape of the star, as his deep breathing rings through our room for the summer.  His arms are wrapped around me, making it impossible for me to get out unless I were to wake him up. 

His face is smushed up against my bralette, lips pouted up against my boob. Our two cats are sleeping at the foot of the bed and I can smell breakfast from up here. I might need to wake him up soon, so we can get some breakfast in before going on the boat with our families. I stop tracing over his stars and play with his hair, kissing his arms until I feel him stretch over me. 

I continue to play with his hair while he tiredly looks up at me and asks, "What day is it?" He presses loving pecks all over my chest and neck as I respond with, "Today," making him smile at my stupid response. He chuckles against me, trailing his hands down my arms until they're holding my hands. "Ahh, my favorite day," he kisses the top of my hand. 

He finally gets off of me, rolling over for him to pull me on top of his body. I lay on him the same way he was on me but it doesn't have the same effect. "I had a dream we were living in some 1960s world, I think all this Roxie and discomania is getting to my head." He jokes, telling me a more in-depth retelling of his dream. 

I listen as we get ourselves ready to go downstairs and laugh when he describes an outfit I wore in his dream but also wore last year. I pull up a photo of me in the dress and he begs me to wear it again as I run down the stairs. "Okay, okay I'll wear it again." I laugh as I kiss my Mom on the cheek good morning and grab some juice for everyone to drink.

We leave the conversation in the kitchen and meet everyone else in the dining room. I go around the table wishing everyone a good morning as I sit down beside Jack. Quinn is the last one to trudge down the stairs. When he gets to the table he looks like he's on his last leg. "No more disco. I need a disco break." he says for himself, gripping his mug of coffee. 

Aunt Cami starts cackling and holds a hand out for Ellen. I watch the exchange go down as Ellen passes ten dollars to my aunt. "I was rooting for you Quintin." she says, as my aunt pockets her new money. "What exactly did you guys bet on?" Luke straightens up, with a curious look on his face. I'm glad he asked because I'd like to know as well. 

"During the playoffs, Cami and I bet on which one of you would tap out first. I bet Luke and she bet Quinn, Jack was never in question because if Beatrice goes he'll follow." Ellen says, making Luke cackle, Quinn lets out a noise crossed between a scoff and a gasp, and Jack claps. He turns to me telling me that they're right making me smile even harder than when I was when I found out that they placed a bet. 

Quinn shrugs his shoulders, accepting defeat because he simply can't handle going back to Roxie's tomorrow. Luckily for him today will be full of relaxing, hopefully. You never know with the Hughes brothers. Quinn eats the rest of his breakfast with a look of distaste, and throughout the rest of the morning, Ellen apologizes to both of her bet against sons multiple times. 

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