Chapter 6 - Return

Start from the beginning

He looked at the rest of his Kokotaim friend group. "I should bring you guys to DeStar HQ next time we go to Kota Hilir, maybe he's available."

"Why didn't you bring us to his place back then?" Gopal asked.

"I can't manage to reach him for some reason. You know, errands and stuffs." The elemental hero answered. "He's often busy with stuffs outside of the town."

Amato, Deep and Mara looked at the teal-themed boy, now he became the center of the attention. Pian looked at all the eyes staring at him, he shrugged.

"Uuuuh... Managing company is hard, you know that."

"Oooooh... Pian managed to be the big boss of a company~" MechaBot teased him as the mechanizing power sphera floats towards the chubby kid, pinching he plumiest cheek in the circle. Pian could only laughed in ticklish and pain from the friendly pinch.

The ground shakes for a moment. 1 second. 3 seconds. 5 seconds. The floating islands started to glitch and for a split second, it disappears and reappear. The teenagers could see the surface of the sea before the island they were on reappears again.

The two worlds are getting unstable for sure.

The kids were looking at each other, with horrified face and worried looks. They need to hurry up.

"Alright, alright. Let's all finish the meal and head back to Semenanjung. The earlier the better!" OchoBot flew around the circle and clapped his hands. "Chop chop, guys!"

"Okay, okay..."


"Aye aye, boss!"

"On it!"


The journey was quite time taking. They had to fight for themselves against the crippling roots as sometimes Mara's wheelchair got stuck between them. Not only that, MechaBot sometimes went out of patience and about to shoot the trees, Amato had to stop him multiple of times. Gopal, once again, also struggled with it. Many times, the trees were targeting him and decide to just grapple his entire body. Occasionally Gopal managed to avoid the branches and roots thanks to the previous experience, but a number of times the trees managed to give him a big tight hug. The kids were taking turns in pulling Gopal back on track. Sometimes, they even had a rock-paper-scissor match to decide on who's going to pull on that turn.

The Floating Islands Forest is still an uneasy place to pass.

Fang told Kota Hilir kids about the tale of the Kokotaim kids venturing the islands to rescue OchoBot, who happened to get kidnapped by Bora Ra and the Tengkotak gang few years ago, and how OchoBot finally inherited the teleportation power given by KlamkaBot. They were still young and naïve, and being on the islands again after so long makes them feel nostalgic.

"Huhuhu... Poor KlamkaBot, for sacrificing himself at the end." Deep commented as he wiped his eyes after listening to the touching part. OchoBot looked at the Indian boy,

"That's okay, as long as the teleportation is safe with me, KlamkaBot's sacrifice won't be in vain."

"That is why we have to protect each other. We will protect OchoBot, and OchoBot will bring us to safety in case of emergency." BoBoiBoy continued. He gave a soft gaze at OchoBot as the yellow sphere look him back.

"Well, I really wish OchoBot's wasn't running out of energy because this situation can definitely be considered as emergency." Gopal whined as he dodges another wiggling root on the ground.

"Hey, at least with the remaining energy from yesterday, we can team up with them."

"Fair enough."

There was a silence for a moment. They were running out of topic. They continued their journey trying to get out of the jungle, sometimes make a few stops for a snack break and prayer. They then continued their walk again and sometimes they played a verbal game such as 'name an animal starting with a letter a' or something. MechaBot quite struggled with that game as all he remembered was the exotic animals the bad robot from the prison kept talking... that do not exist on earth. A flying elephant would be an excellent example for that. Ying and Yaya had to repeatedly said that didn't exist on earth as MechaBot kept listing the other exotic animals from other planets.

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