Chapter 5 - Clarity

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The call ended as the main monitor shuts down. The adult Armored Hero laid himself to the chair as he massages his forehead. He was not expecting that someone on earth managed to call him, even though he's million lightyears away from home planet, without any signal interruption.

Especially from someone whom he was not supposed to be able to meet.

He turned his head to the other smaller monitor and open his eyes tiredly. Graphs and video recordings that were sent by Mr. Aman is now displayed. He inhaled and took a good look of the scientist's findings as he runs a bunch of scanning software in another monitor of his. ((Good lord, how many monitors does he have in the office? Is the mainframe okay?))

Magnetic field scanner, thermal detector, and other scanners were running.

Amato rewind the recording while waiting for the scanning results.

Beep! The software had finished their task. Amato examined the result.

It was the same result. In fact, it shows a progress of something that might not be undoable.

"This is way worse than I thought."

A door opened as MechaBot flew into the working office, with a cup of hot coffee, a cup of hot cocoa and a plate of curry puff on top of his head. He put the cocoa on Amato's desk while taking the plate from his relatively flat head. MechaBot sips.

"So, what are you doing now? Still investigating the mysterious wavelength?"

"You're in the pantry for too long."

MechaBot raised his right 'eyebrow' as he bites one piece of curry puff. Well, it's kind of his fault to misplace the cocoa and coffee sack, that's what causing him staying in the pantry for that amount of time. Amato sighed.

"Maskmana called me."

"Oh. What did he say?"

"There were three Maskmanas."


Amato showed a screenshot of the meeting he had with the Kota Hilir gentlemen as MechaBot almost spilled his coffee. He thought that Amato edited the pictures but Amato said he had no time to do such things. He then shared their meeting's conclusion while MechaBot just nodded, trying to understand the situation even though he still struggle to put the puzzle pieces together.

"So that's your conclusion?"

Amato lightly nodded. MechaBot looked at the recording of what happened in Kota Hilir bridge.

"Have you contact the kid?"

Amato went quiet. MechaBot got a good question. He hadn't call BoBoiBoy before. The only reason that he rarely calls him was because the signal was too poor to make a contact to earth. But now he just did.

He was on call with people from Kota Hilir. Earth.

He then thinks again. What could possibly the reason they call him? By logic, Sir Aman should have not even had his contact, Amato as an adult.

Maybe he wanted to contact the younger version of himself but then the signal connects the call to him instead.

If a call between earth and his base is possible without network connection interruption...

"Maybe, it's possible now."



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