Chapter 3 - A Union

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From this chapter and on, this story will contain heavy Mechamato Movie Spoilers so if you haven't watched or read the movie/comic and doesn't want to get spoiled, I highly recommend you guys to watch or read it first before continue reading the fanfic. Once again, I apologize, and enjoy!



Multiple screens emitting blue rays of light in a relatively dark room, displaying different images containing the information about the phenomenon acquired up to date. A man with glasses sips his green apple flavoured energy drink as he tried to analyze different charts, graphs, and video recordings of the town CCTV he accessed through the mainframe.

He looked at the event happened on the bridge again, more slowly. Everyone in there just disappeared after the spherical object enlarged and gone so sudden, with a small breeze blowing from that place.

The room started to glitch again, showing a different prototype of armor and mask they had never make before.

"Have you manage to contact him, Aman?" A man in black with red tanjak walked approach him, laying his hand on top of the chair back. The scientist sighed and shook his head.

"Still negative, Asah." He answered. Aman rotated his chair, looking at the mayor still enjoying his sip of bitter drink full of caffeine. He opened his mouth, "Andy, I don't think I'd be able to help you cover the situation, looking at how ridiculous the phenomenon is."

Andy clicked his tongue. The mayor groaned as he walks forward and back. He then walked approaching the screen and tell Aman to move aside, checking all the data displayed.

"Try to contact the boy again." He commanded. "We cannot let him and the other children get hurt."

"Speaking about children, Andy..." Asah pointed out the recording from the bridge again. Amato, Pian, Mara and MechaBot were visible, yet he pointed out another group of children from the other side, along with a yellow Power Sphera. "Have you ever get any info about another power sphera landed in another region?"

The mayor's eyes widen. He did not recognize any of the kids. But to find out there's more than one power spheras landed on Earth...

"Ah, it's connecting finally!" Aman sighed in relieve, he was working on another attempt to call Amato while the other two grown-ups are discussing about the other group of children unknown to them.

"Good." Andy commented.

They waited for the person from the other side to pick up the call.

Ten seconds...

Twenty seconds...

Thirty seconds...

"Hello? U-Uncle Aman?"

The person on the other side called. The monitor displayed the face of both sides as they have the video call. However, not a single person initiates the talk as the four of them staring the other side with a horrified look.



"Amato, Amato! Wake up!!"

Vague voice could be heard by Amato as he sits up and hold his head. He tried to recall about what happened previously. White spherical object, vibrations, sounds, magnetic field, and energy instability.

The explosion impacts.

He remembered all the events and rub all his body parts. Still perfectly intact. He saw Pian who bent down beside him, no bruises, just a little dirty. He looked at MechaBot on his right side, still passed out, but is okay. He tried to look for Mara, he couldn't see her.

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