Chapter 4 - Connection

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"I see."

That was the words the legendary Armored Hero uttered during the video conference with the other three adults. After information exchange they had previously, they might have an idea of what's going on with all the glitches and the doubling of objects and certain people, yet they still have no clue what cause it.

"At least based on the existing data so far, we can describe the occurring phenomena now." Aman laid back on his seat, crossing his arm. "You need to be careful, Amato."

The person on the other side nodded. He opened his email and received the data Mr. Aman sent him previously, so he could analyze it further on his own time. After all the file is saved, he thanked the three men on earth, but the conversation did not end there.

"You've grown up, Amato." It was Tok Sah who said that. "You're doing well."

Amato awkwardly laughed and thanked the guidance the trio Maskmana -especially Tok Sah- for guiding him to become the person he is now. Andy, Asah and Aman just nodded while receiving the compliment. Aman opened his mouth but then closed it again. He felt that it's a wrong thing to ask for something he shouldn't know yet. He looked down.

Amato read the situation, he chuckled and start to speak. "Well, I guess there's nothing wrong for any of us to exchange information outside of the phenomena topic."

The three gentlemen lift their head, facing to the screen again.

"Besides, there's no guarantee that we'll ever see each other like this again, or even remember that this event ever happened."

The glitch in the laboratory appeared again. The unfamiliar suit of Maskmana with the red cape and blue torso piece appeared again behind the three Kota Hilir gentlemen. They were curious about that ever since the first moment they saw it, but no one could ever put an interest about the suit more than the genius scientist himself. Unlike Andy and Asah who were relieved that Maskmana still active in few decades ahead, Aman thought beyond that.

Aman puts hope in that suit.

He wanted to know the holder of the suit in that era, whether the holder is worthy enough. Whether his hope and effort he put in that suit does not fall to the wrong hand. He didn't mind about whoever bears the title of Maskmana, however, once a hope, is still a hope.

"You were wondering about that, huh?"

Amato broke the silence, yet somehow doesn't interrupt the moment. He, also looked at the Maskmana suit he's familiar with. His gaze turned softer as he let out a soft chuckle.

The glitched Maskmana armor display is now stable. It somehow managed to get materialized. Aman went approached the glass display and stay still. He touched the glass. He had no idea which generation the armor is, but one thing he knows for sure.

The Maskmana armor is being displayed in his laboratory.

Neither Asah nor Andy spoke a word. They just followed and stand behind him, putting their hands on the scientist's shoulder.

"He's doing a really great job."



The night could not be counted as a totally peaceful night in Pulau Terapung since a bunch of kids were screaming and yelling at OchoBot for accidentally spilled the most forbidden beans towards the other group of children. BoBoiBoy told him that he already made a briefing about it in the beginning when the Kota HIlir kids were still unconscious, though OchoBot admitted that he did not pay attention as he was busy scanning around the place to make sure their position in detail, which requires absolute concentration to do so resulting not listening to what the group leader said. Gopal was surprised that he was not the one to spill the secret this time since he often time do so, even if he's not on purpose. Ying then teased him that she was ninety five percent sure that Gopal will be the one who spoiled it soon or later if OchoBot did not do it.

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