Chapter 48: What are we?

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Clay's POV


Today at 4:22

Can you come pick me up now? Read

Sure, I'll be there soon Georgie. Read

Probably in  about 7 minutes. Delivered

As soon as I got that text from the brunette and responded, I left to go pick him up. I had been sitting in Nicks driveway scrolling through my phone in the time being patiently waiting for George to tell me he was ready to go. I wanted to spend more time with him before he had to go home tonight due to his mom coming home from her business trip.

When I pulled into Darryl's driveway 7 minutes later I shot the brunet a text saying "Here" and he responded with a ''Ill be out soon"  in which I saw him open Darryl's front door around a minute later. I saw George look at my car then back at Daryl saying something then they hugged, George waving then walked over to my car opening the passenger sides door.

"How was it?" I asked as George buckled his seat belt.

"It was good, how'd you get here so fast? I saw your text about it being seven minutes when you said you were here."

"I was parked in Nicks driveway just scrolling through my phone the whole time." I said.

Georges POV

"You didn't have to do that-" I spoke before getting cut of by Clay saying,

"But I did,"pulling out of the driveway. "Did you have a good time?" 

"Yeah I did, i'm glad I went over there." I responded looking down at my lap then over at Clay who was concentrated on his driving.

"What'd you guys do?" He asked.

"We talked... about a dream I had been having." I uttered feeling a boost of confidence. 

"Oh, what was the dream about?"  The blond questioned, turning on his turn signal then turning left. 

"It was actually a dream with you in it." Silence filled the air for a moment which made me freeze, but I decided to keep talking. "The first time I had the dream was the night of the amusement park. And recently i've been having it almost every night. I was confused so I reached out to Darryl and Karl for help. I wanted help finding out what the dream could possibly mean. And I think I finally know what it is trying to tell me." I looked over at Clay and he was still focusing on the road but clearly interested in what I was saying. "I didn't want to reach out to you first cause... in the dream we kissed and I felt embarrassed to talk to you about it. I know I shouldn't have been afraid but I was. After I told Darryl and Karl what happened in the dream Darryl came up with a good explanation on what It could have meant. In the car on the way to Darryl's house Karl asked how it had been dating you and I told him we weren't dating and we haven't really talked about a relationship." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Clay tense his grip on the steering wheel. "Darryl assured me that it's ok to not be ready for a fully committed relationship for what i've been threw but I told him that I was ready just afraid of what an outcome could be if we were to ever part. I've been afraid of the thought of us having a relationship for a long time. But not because of you, but because of me. I just have these fears and I don't want to-" 

"George." Clay spoke cutting me off, turning to look over at him from my rant. 

"Yes?" I asked slightly scared for what he had to say because he seemed serious.

"I-I've been scared to." Even though I told Darryl and Karl I suspected this, him saying it was on a whole other level, I didn't think he was actually scared. "The day we talked everything threw, all I wanted to do was say something but I didn't. I knew for you it was probably too soon, and I'm also afraid i'll hurt you again. I still don't get why you picked me out of everyone. I was horrible to you George. I bullied you for years, I broke your arm and gave you black eyes, yet you still want to be with me. I recently hurt you by not being honest. None of your recent pain would have been caused if I just told you what rebecca did. I caused you to stop eating again, I caused you to start harming yourself again and I was the reason you lost sleep. You did all that cause you were hurt by me, something I did." He said with anger and guilt lacing his voice. "And I can't forgive myself for that, so I don't get how you can." He spoke into a whisper. "A-and what if we were to get into an actual relationship and then I do that same shit cause at the end of the day i'm the same person I was a year ago-" 

"Clay you don't actually think that, right? You aren't the same person you were a year ago, and even though you've hurt me you also helped me. And you've helped me more than you've hurt me. The old Clay wouldn't have helped me, but you would have. And that's why I chose you. Cause this is the real you, not the guy that beat me up a year ago. You know that isn't true, don't talk down on yourself." I frowned looking at Clay who seemed more relaxed now and convinced by my words. "I chose you, for you."

I see Clays lips part slightly as if he wanted to say something but he stops himself.

Clay's POV

My lips part slightly, I want to say it so badly we both know our fears, so what is stopping me?

"What are you gonna say?" George asked, eager to know what I wanted to say next.

"GeorgeWhat are we?" I blurted. "What I mean is what do you want us to be?"

"Together, but actually together." George spoke softly and I could feel his gaze on me as I drove. "I want to be with you Clay, and i'm willing to take that risk, are you?"  

I paused thinking, silence filling the atmosphere. I could sense panic rising in George as my silence wiped his confidence. I grabbed his hand taking his smaller hand and interlocking it with mine.

"I am." I looked at George briefly as I came to a stop light. "I am."  I saw the light enter back into George's eyes, as I said, "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I felt anxiety coursing through my body even though I could have predicted his response. 

"Please." He responded by squeezing my hand looking up at me. 

Before the light turned green, I quickly connected our lips, before going straight and making the final turn to get to my house.

When we got there I parked my car in the garage and we went up to my room Patches trailing behind.

I shut the door turning on my LED lights and neon signs before walking over to where George stood and embracing him in a big hug.

"I finally have you all to myself now," I whispered jokingly George laughing at my remark. 

"Do you now?" He asked pulling away to meet my eyes, in which I kissed his forehead.

"Yes I do." 




~Word count 1255~

EEEEEEEE DID YOU GUYS GET WHAT YOU WANTED???😍 I HOPE SO AHGHWRIVOWNV I LOVE THIS CHAPTER, anyway have a good Day/Evening/Night and make sure to feed and water yourselves!

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