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Start from the beginning

Sora slowly and carefully lifted his shirt up to show them the healing stab wound to his side. "There, are you happy?" Sora dropped the shirt, placing his hand back over the wound. "I got stabbed during my last game."

Reika cleared her throat. "We were playing a Hearts game." The expressions on the faces of Sora's friends said it all. "Sora, Chishiya, and I were the only winners." Reika added.

"By default."

"We won that." Reika said.

"Those two players are disqualified because the additional rule was no violence. And apparently, that meant both got killed because of it." Sora said, taking a moment to collect himself. "One of them stabbed me to stop me from winning the game for all of us. If he hadn't stabbed me, he would have been alive." Sora added.

Yuumi whistled. "Not many games have a disqualification."

"That's what you get from that?" Aya asked.

Yuumi gave her a confused look. "What else am I supposed to say? Sora didn't know he was going to get stabbed." Although, Yuumi did have a thought. "How many days did you get?"

"Six." Reika answered.

"I've got five days left." Sora said, standing up from where he was previously sitting. "I want to rest up for another two days." Sora didn't have a choice in the matter. He couldn't sit around and wait for his side to heal. He had games to play to stay alive. As much as Sora wanted to stay in the darkness for a few extra days, he couldn't. "We really need to find a good place to stay."

Aya and Yuumi exchanged looks. Sora gave them a confused look, "What? Did something happen during your game?" Sora asked.

"Now that you mention it,"

"The Beach?" Sora questioned. "What the fuck's that?"

Aya shrugged. "Some guy came up to us, asking if we wanted to come with him. He mentioned this place called the Beach." Aya actually looked over at Yuumi. "We didn't ask questions; we were just waiting on you." Aya explained.

Yuumi sighed. "You didn't ask questions," Yuumi leaned back on his hands while Sora sat down on the floor across from his friends. "The Beach is... honestly, I don't even know how to explain it. I heard about it when I arrived, but I don't know much about it. Outside of the fact that they go to almost every game, and they wear swim clothing." Yuumi stated.

Sora thought about to the two players who died during the Hearts game. Sora reached into his pocket, pulling out the playing card. Reika said she took it from outside the supermarket. Sora looked down at the card, "We had two then." Sora looked over at Reika. "In our game."

Reika thought for a moment before nodding in agreement. "They were rude idiots." She crossed her arms, huffing as she looked away from the others.

Yuumi chuckled. "Well, they aren't known for their smarts." Yuumi had interacted with people from the Beach before, but it wasn't until Aya's interest that made him interested. However, at the same time, Yuumi heard about the leader of the Beach, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to interact with him. "Well, most of them."

"Why the swimwear?" Reika asked softly.

Yuumi shrugged. "Got no idea."

Sora stared at Aya. Ever so gently, his fingers ran across his side, easing the pain that he was feeling. Chishiya said he should be feeling more like himself in a few days, giving him enough time before another game. Sora didn't want to sit around for too long. He also didn't want to scramble to complete a game with one day left. But knowing there was a place within this world that so many people were going to... it got Sora curious.

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