Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"Lexie," I heard a masculine voice whisper in my ear. I groaned in reply, rolling slightly to the side. I felt a hand gently shake me, turning my face towards him. My eyes squinted at  the bright moon hanging overhead, a white round sphere coiled into the ebony night sky. A full moon, I thought grimly, great. I hope no werewolves come out to bite me. I laughed out loud, clutching my sides as I gasped loudly.

The same hand rubbed my shoulder, running smooth circles around and around. It was comforting-kind of weird-but comforting nonetheless. I peered up at the vague face looking down on me and grinned.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. Justin shrugged.

"I followed you," he answered. I shot him a questioning look, prompting him to clarify.

"I was worried," he explained, waving his hands around as if warding off my flying fists. When he realized they were still tucked firmly beneath my unmoving body, he continued.  "You left so suddenly. I thought maybe you needed help or something."

"Hoping to be my knight in shining armor," I teased. I watched in delight as he blushed bright red. I laughed. "Oh my god, you did. DIdn't you?"


"Ha, that's cute." I grinned, reaching out to punch him.

He reached out and grabbed my hand, deflecting what would have been  a half-hearted blow to the chest. Guess it never got there. I stared at him, waiting to be released. He sat beside me, peering into my eyes. This is creepy.

Will's musical laugh filled my ears, washing over me, crashing into the barrier of my thoughts. Aw isn't this sweet.

Shut up, Will. We're just friends. There's nothing going on.

I didn't ask, but thanks anyway.

I pulled roughly back from Justin, turning ,away so he could only see my back. He placed his hand on my shoulder. I wriggled away.

"Lex," he whispered.


"Come on. Let me take you to a hospital." He reached out for me, rising from the ground and holding out a hand.

"No.  I'm fine." I winced as my words came out too loud. Hand reaching up to touch my head, I lay back against the firm, solid road.

"Lexie, we have to move. Cars pass by here all night long. And you need to stay awake!" Justin shook me roughly, careful not to let me head sag against the ground.

"Leave me alone," I commanded, rolling over and cushioning my bruised and bloodly face. Trickled of old blood rolled into the corner of my mouth. I licked it away, not thinking otherwise. Gross, I know but it had to go.

I let my tired eyes sag shut, dried over with hard crust. I rubbed it away. Eyes closing completely, I let the night take me.

Lexie, hang on please. Get the human boy to leave and I will come get you. But he can't see me. At all. I listened to Will's beautiful voice, dreaming he was with me, holding me up, carrying me away.

I thought of how nice it would feel to be in his arms, strongly-soidly-around me. I knew I was dreaming when those arms wrapped around me because not a reality so lifelike could ever be true.

My head sagged back against the arms around my body, swaying me to the side as they loped along the empty road. I cracked one eye open just a smidge, catching sight of the blinding gust of air that hit me head on. I watched in bewilderment as the world zoomed by me and whoever was carrying me (I still had no idea who it was).

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