"It's okay" he tried to calm her down "they won't get here."

"Gabriel!" the old man called him "it's time, we can't waste any more time!"

"Who...?" She looked at him confused.

"Let's go immediately" he told the Brother and turned to her "I'll be covering the entrance, stay with your sisters. Everything will be fine."

He hated the idea of leaving her so upset, but he had a duty to perform, for her sake.

Despite her, she nodded, holding back tears, and he had to gently cup her cheeks.

"You will be fine." He slowly released her and turned around, against all his instincts.

"Wait, Gabriel." She didn't wait for him to finish turning to her, to push herself and catch his lips with hers.

The kiss was brief and he was more than aware that he wasn't the only one who had been stunned. Before releasing him, she whispered something that puzzled him.

Separating from him and looking into his eyes, she said:

"Come back to me, my Gabriel."

He agreed:

"I'll do that."

Resuming their run at the entrance to the hall, both the veteran and the apprentice remained silent. In fact, he couldn't even hear any echoes in that room.

"Oh, the pure love of youth" the old man sighed, as if at any moment some beast would not appear to attack them "how I miss those days. How lucky you both are that the ways of the Lord have connected you."

Gabriel made a face:

"Could it be that age makes the Brothers nosy?"

He laughed at his impertinence:

"What a surly young man you are, young Gabriel!"

"You keep saying my name like you've known me forever."

"Well, that name was already rumored since before your recent fame. The baby they picked up outside the church, like some kind of God send, who was growing up to be a troublesome kid, cranky at the best of times... They even thought they could inflict discipline on him if enlisted in the ranks of the brotherhood at a young age, some came to believe that they were only giving him the tools to unleash his violence."

"Wow" he said sarcastically "I didn't know that my well-earned reputation had gone that far."

"Oh, you can't imagine, when suddenly they only spoke wonders of that young man's talent, as if some kind of prodigy was emerging from the one who caused so much trouble to his caretakers. Someone might have suggested, with amusement, that some maiden had reached his heart. God pulls his strings in mysterious ways, don't you think?"

"I'm not interested in anything about that."

"Of course not, you are only interested in being able to see a smile on that young woman's face. This old man knows very well how fierce hearts like yours work, my young warrior. Who knows, maybe those are the feelings that make you a man worthy of serving God, humanity, and your beloved!"

"I still don't understand why you are telling me all this, old man."

The man just watched him, with that spark of intelligence that made Gabriel quite uncomfortable.

I guess you're not ready to know.

"What the hell do you mean?" He snorted, already annoyed.

But an echo stopped them and they both raised their guard. Crackles approached with sinister wet and smacking sounds. When the first pale creature emerged from the shadows, the Brother had drawn his sword and Gabriel was gripping the hilt of his riding crop. The being brought the bleeding head of one of his comrades between its jaws and the boy clenched his teeth.

"They do it to intimidate" the old man was whispered.

"I know," he snorted.

Two more with their enormous wings drawn in came closer.

"Well, this is going to be fun" the Brother somersaulted with his back and prepared for the attack.

For the first time, Gabriel had to agree, so his corners twitched mischievously.

As the first screamed, flinging the nameless knight's head aside, the tip of Gabriel's riding crop caught him first, right in the middle of his face. Blood splattered and the other two went for the adult warrior. How could it be otherwise, he showed off with his movements, which seemed like a rehearsed dance, attacking the closest extremities, before they reached him.

Steps forward, steps back, the whip flew with his own grace, leaving more splashes of red in his wake. When they thought their enemies were backing down, they charged again. One was unfortunate enough to get too close, so the thickest part of the leather ripped part of his face open and the handle of the whip ended up breaking his jaw before it closed in on him.

Just as he was laughing at his feat, a shadow flew over them, heading straight for the maidens' hall.


Let's watch the world burn!!! A really hard part is coming and I don't know how prepared we are for that...

Anyways, let me know how are you liking this story, share and let me see your stars~


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