Chapter 36

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"You have let him explain you love" Alexandra said and Chloe smiled ironic

"No! He cheats on me I am so fucking sure!" The girl replied madly

The door bell rang and Charles walked to open

"I got this!" The Monegasque yelled so the girls hear him

He opened the door and it was Carlos that he got into the apartment pushing Charles a bit

The Spanish walked to the living room, Chloe was talking to Alexandra, the British had her back so she turned


Chloe closed her eyes and she turned to Alexandra

"Can we talk?" Carlos asked

"No" Chloe replied

"I think you should" Alexandra took Beatriz from her mom's arms and walked to the kitchen, Chloe didn't even looked at him

"Okay" Carlos sat next to her and Chloe turned her back to him "I can explain"

"I don't have anything to hear" Chloe said madly

"I will, don't look at me, I'm sorry to avoid to tell you but Isa was texting me begging me talk I didn't want talk to her and I was deleting her texts! Also she was calling me and I was rejected the calls" Carlos was looking down and Chloe finally was looking at him

"I'm sorry" Chloe said "Why you didn't tell me?"

"I thought that you would want me talk to her and I don't want!" Carlos looked at her "I'm sorry for lying to you"

Chloe hugged him tightly, Carlos had his muscled arms strongly around her waist

"I am sorry" Carlos said once again "I had to tell you"

Chloe faced Carlos kissing him

"Don't talk to her if you don't want" The British girl said "Just text her that you are fine and you just don't want talk to her"

"Okay" Carlos grabbed his phone from the pocket and he opened the messages

Carlos: ¡No quiero hablar Isa, no tenemos nada de qué hablar! Estoy feliz con Chloe y nuestra hija, ¡así que déjenme en paz!

(I don't want to talk Isa, we have nothing to talk about! I'm happy with Chloe and our daughter, so leave me alone!)

Carlos translated the text in English to Chloe

"I love you" Carlos whispered

"I love you too" Chloe replied and she kissed him gently

"Do you want to go alone to our apartment and stay in our bed the whole day until tomorrow that I have Free Practice?" Carlos asked "Beatriz has her babysitter" he said pointed at the kitchen where Beatriz was with Alexandra and Charles

Chloe walked to the kitchen, Charles had Beatriz on his arms

"Can you look for her until tomorrow because Carlos wants cuddles!" Chloe said with puppy eyes

"Yes!" Charles said happy "We will be together love!"

Charles hugged Beatriz happy


"I have a suggestion!" Carlos said opening the door of the bathroom

"Tell me" Chloe placed her arms around his waist

"Have a shower together" The Spanish kissed her neck "Have sex in the shower" He kissed her cheek "Then have sex in the bed" he kissed her lips "I love you"

"I love you too babe" Chloe replied, she walked in the bathroom and she took off her clothes in front of him

"Your body is perfect" Carlos said and he hugged her naked body

"I am completely shit" Chloe replied sad

"You are hot" Carlos started kissing her neck, he knelt in front of her kissing her whole body, her belly and legs

"I'm shit don't" Chloe said wanting to cry, Carlos looked at her

"You are absolutely beautiful!" The Spanish said "Should I?"

Chloe nodded

Carlos placed a kiss down her belly, he placed his tongue into her

He was fucking her with his tongue

Chloe placed her hands against his hair to press him

"Yes" Chloe was moaning

Carlos stopped and he stood up to kiss her taking off his clothes, Chloe grabbed him from the hand and walk into the shower

Chloe opened the shower and the water was falling to Carlos' hair and body

"You look hot" The British said and she kissed him

"Do you know how I will look hotter?" Carlos asked and Chloe moved her head negatively "Me inside you"

Carlos came into her and Chloe let a big moan, he started moving, she tried to lift her leg but Carlos placed it down

"You will fall" Carlos said and he kissed her neck

"I'm sorry babe" Chloe smiled at him and she started kissing him

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