Chapter 3

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Chloe slept alone in the night, she didn't even wait for Lando come back hotel

The next morning she woke up to find herself sleeping on Lando's chest, she obviously didn't want to wake him so she made careful moves and and didn't wake up

Chloe walked into the bathroom where she had a shower and then she walked back in the bedroom, Lando had just woke up

"Good Morning babe" Lando said smiling, Chloe leaned to kiss him "I have a horrible headache!"

"Good Morning Lando" Chloe sat next to him "Carlos drove me last night in the hotel"

"Charles told me yes! I'm sorry babe for not driving you back" Lando told her

"It's okay... don't worry" Chloe stood up

"Do you have any painkiller?" Lando asked with Chloe throwing him a box of painkillers "Thanks"

After packing the last stuff Lando and Chloe took a taxi to airport

"I'm sorry for last night" Lando told Chloe as they sat to wait for their flight

"It's okay Lando but we are together and I thought that you don't flirt with other girls" Chloe said closing her bag

"It was a mistake and you are the only woman I love Chloe! Like Charles once said that was just an incident!" Lando said and that made Chloe laughed

"I hate us fighting! But please don't flirt with other girls Lando! It kills me" Chloe said with Lando placing his hand on her knee "Okay?"

"Okay Chloe... I'm sorry again it's never gonna happen!" Lando answered smiling

The time for their flight to Monaco has arrived and after a few hours Lando and Chloe finally arrived home. In the flight Chloe slept on Lando's shoulder and he didn't move his body

As they arrived in their home Chloe just sat on the couch

"A week break and then Austria!" Chloe looked at Lando

"Will you come in Austria or not?" the British boy asked sitting next to her

"Yes I will! I can't miss it" Chloe responded

"Also, tomorrow Carlos and some friends will come and we'll spend two days in our boat" Lando said "Will you come with us?"

As she heard Carlos's name a smile appeared in her face, she felt a bit strange with the good feeling!

"I would love that babe" Chloe answered and she kissed him

"I can see a special connection between you and Carlos" Lando said smiling

Of course yes you idiot

"He's an amazing friend that has supported me a lot of times!" Chloe answered keep smiling

"That's good! I am happy that my friends are your friends as well babe" Lando answered "Are you fancy for a lunch date?"

"Pizza!" Chloe said laughing

"Deal! I'll go and change" Lando walked in their bedroom with Chloe walking after him "What should I wear?"

"I will wear a dress!" Chloe show him a white simple Chanel dress "With that shoes!" She show him beige Tommy Hilfiger loafers "And a Chanel white bag"

"And Chanel sunglasses!" Lando answered laughing

"Dior!" Chloe replied laughing

They both changed clothes and they walked to the garage of Lando's car, the british boy drove them in the pizza restaurant for their date

As they arrived there and sit in their usual table, Chloe received a text, it was Carlos

Carlos: Hey Beauty! Everything fine?"

Chloe: Hey you! Me and Lando are fine and thanks for talking to him! We are for a date in a pizzeria here in Monaco!

Carlos: That's amazing! I am happy about that!

Chloe: Lando told me about tomorrow! We need to have beers!

Carlos: And I thought the old money girls drink only wine

Chloe: Hey! I drink only dry white wine and beers with you!

Carlos: Then we should drink beers!

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