Chapter 23

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"Good Morning!" Chloe said sitting next to Carlos on the couch of the yacht

"Good Morning!" Carlos replied smiling "Do you want a toast with strawberry marmalade?"

"Thank you!" Chloe replied smiling "I can't walk since the second time yesterday" she whispered in his ear laughing

"Oops!" Carlos said laughing "I want to kiss you"

"No!" Chloe said laughing "Do you want Lando watch us?" She whispered laughing

"You have a point!" Chloe smiled with Carlos placed the toasts on her plate "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" Carlos winked at her

Lando came and he sat next to Chloe

"Hey" Lando kissed her "I have headache"

"Poor Lala" Chloe said laughing

After having their breakfast Chloe walked in the back of the yacht with a glass of cold coffee watching the sea

"I will join you!" Carlos said sitting next to her

"Hey baby boy" Chloe said laughing, Carlos placed a kiss on her forehead

"The wedding is two weeks as I heard?" Carlos asked and Chloe nodded "Fuck"

"Yes and I already found a lawyer for the divorce!" Chloe said laughing

"Do you think that this is the right thing?" Carlos asked with Chloe nodding

"Carlos this is the only one solution! I just will tell him that I didn't want to marry him in first place but I did marry him because I didn't want to hurt him in front of so many people!" Chloe said and Carlos placed his arm around her shoulders

"If you think so Chloe..." Carlos said and he Chloe looked at her and she kissed him quickly "You couldn't resist to me!"

"Of course I can't resist on you! Like you when we were on the water!" Chloe said laughing "Remember?"

"I was too excited with you on my lap!" Carlos said and he laughed a bit

"Hello lovebirds" They both got scared but fortunately that was Charles

"You scared the shit of me!" Chloe said laughing

"You two look cute! But Chloe, Lando is looking for you!" Charles said with Chloe standing up

"I have to go!" Chloe disappeared

"I feel so bad for Lando but so happy for you mate!" Charles said patting Carlos' back

"I love her!" Carlos stood up as well "I don't know what to do!"

"You had too much fun last night! Twice!" Charles said

"Yes and... it was so good!" Carlos sighed happily


Carlos' door knocked and he walked to open, it was Chloe she walked in and Carlos closed the door locking it

"Hey you" Carlos said and he kissed Chloe gently

"Hey!" Chloe sat on the couch "Can you help me with the decoration?"

"Sure!" Carlos sat next to her "It's wrong, Chloe"

Chloe turned to him

"Us?" She whispered

"No! Absolutely no! The fact that we are talking about the wedding that killing us!" Carlos said and Chloe sighed closing her phone

"You are right! We have so many important things to do!" Chloe kissed Carlos and looked at her eyes

"I feel like you cheat on him, Chloe" Carlos said and Chloe stood up

"Good! Then I am leaving!" Chloe walked away madly

Carlos realised that he did one of the biggest mistakes of his life...

I am an idiot

Carlos walked out of the room and he just watched Chloe and Lando making out in the hallway, the Spanish walked back in his room madly

Now I lost her

Chloe avoided Carlos as much as Alexandra and Charles were begging her talk to him, a week later and they haven't talk

"Is the wedding ready?" Kelly asked and Chloe nodded

"It'll be a fantastic wedding!" Chloe added and she felt Carlos staring at her

"I'm sure about that babe!" Lando said and he kissed her head

Chloe felt strange in her stomach

"I'm sorry" Chloe walked in the bathroom trying to feel better but she was feeling dizzy

"Chloe!" Alexandra was knocking on the door and the British opened the door "Shit!"

Chloe's colour changed, she was too white

"What happened?" Alexandra asked helping Chloe walk in the sink and the Monegasque placed water in her face

"I am not feeling good" Chloe whispered

"Are you on your days honey?" Alexandra asked and Chloe sighed

"No... this will be in a week and I'm fine when I am on my days" Chloe replied

"That means that your last ovulation was the previous week" Alexandra replied "You had sex with Carlos..."

"Fuck" Chloe mouthed

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