Chapter 15

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Lando Norris

Blonde looks so good on you!


Come on Chloe!
I'm sorry!


Please! I love you so much



"Aha!" Alexandra said laughing as she watched the texts "Seen! That's good!"

"Totally!" Charles agreed "And questioned how you did that! You hate it!"

"I know! But I am a bad bitch some times!" Chloe said laughing

"We were thinking come to Madrid with Alex after Canada and Belgium! We'll have a week break until Hungary, right?" Charles looked at Carlos

"I am sure that the only reason of you coming in Madrid in Chloe!" Carlos replied

"Yes!" Charles said proudly

"We will leave Monday morning for Spa, right?" Chloe asked looking at Carlos that he nodded "Good, I'll come in Brussels but then I'll book a flight to Nice!"

"You go every time I am not there!" Charles said

"Yes! Charlotte told me go there! Also I was living in Monaco you idiot!" Chloe said and Charles laughed

"You are the only person from the friend group that she still keeps talking to both Charlotte and me!" Alexandra said

"Yes because I am not a bad bitch! But when it comes to me I'll be!" Chloe said and she took a sip from her coffee

"Wow" Charles whispered "I am scaring to death of you"

"Are you planning to date Lando?" Carlos asked laughing like a penguin and then all started laughing with Carlos


"I have media day!" Carlos said standing up

"I sleep so comfortable with you! Your chest is like a pillow" Chloe said turning her back and hugging a pillow

"Don't forget that you'll go for shopping with Alexandra" Carlos remind her and Chloe made him a sign to leave "Good! Bye!"

"I want a kiss" Chloe said with puppy eyes, she faced him and Carlos kissed her forehead "Not there"

Chloe made a move closer to him and he kissed Carlos on the lips

"That's better" Chloe lay back on the bed and Carlos smiled

"If you say so" Carlos kissed her hair "Be careful, okay?"

"Mhm" Chloe said

"I'll leave you my card and you can spend money" Carlos squeezed her arm gently and he walked in the bathroom

He looked himself in the mirror and he touched his lips, he wanted to kiss her a long time now and she did it herself... or she was too sleepy?

Carlos smiled and blushed, Chloe and him... It seems crazy...

As the Spanish ended in the bathroom and change clothes he walked in the main room and Chloe was falling asleep hugging the pillow

"I'm leaving" Carlos whispered and he kissed her cheek "You probably won't hear that but I love you"

Carlos let his card in the bedside table and he walked downstairs to get breakfast with Charles

"Good Morning mate" Charles said as Carlos sat opposite him "Someone is too happy!"

"Good morning" Carlos said with a big smile on his face

"Did you have sex with Chloe?!" Charles asked in shock

"What? No! As I woke up and stood up from the bed I told her that I'll leave, Chloe woke up because I moved her from my chest that she was sleeping on, anyway! She asked me for a kiss and I kissed her forehead she said no there then she came closer to me and kissed my lips" Carlos replied and Charles stayed with his mouth open

"Wow" Charles mouthed "That's... wow!"

"I left her my card and told her that she can spend as much money as she wants!" Carlos answered "I'm so happy mate!"

"Just be careful with Lando! He is still crazy about Chloe!" Charles warned him "I'm with you mate don't worry!"

"You are right... I need to protect myself from him" Carlos agreed


As Charles and Carlos ended their video for Ferrari they walked in their rooms, Chloe and Alexandra were standing there

"Hello girls!" Carlos said smiling and he walked closer to Chloe

Charles kissed Alexandra and they started talking

"Hey" Chloe said smiling

"How are you?" Carlos asked

"Good! How was your media day?" Chloe asked

"It was really funny! Thank you! Did you spend more than a million dollars or should I get mad?" Carlos asked laughing and Chloe did the same

Charles and Alexandra left and Carlos with Chloe stayed in front of Carlos' room

"I love you too Carlos" Chloe said smiling

"Wow" Carlos mouthed "Chloe... I like you a long time now but I had to respect your relationship with Lando"

"I watched you as a friend until I realised that I love you" Chloe whispered "Someone needed to do the first move!"

"I am glad that happened" Carlos whispered and he looked at Chloe's lips and Chloe looked at Carlos' lips

Carlos without thinking it twice he leaned to kiss her gently

"It feels so good" Chloe whispered

"Will you come on a date with me on Sunday after the race?" Carlos asked and the British girl blushed

"I would love to..." Chloe replied and she kissed Carlos once again

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