Chapter 29

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"Can we go today for karts?" Chloe asked and Carlos looked at her

"No? You are pregnant Chloe" Carlos took a sip from his espresso

"Ugh" Chloe kept eating her breakfast acting mad at Carlos

"Chloe, there is no way go for karts! You are pregnant and there is no way let you drive dangerous cars" Carlos said and Chloe looked at her with confusion

"Karts? Karts are dangerous? Since when?" Chloe
Giggled and she looked at him

"Babe please! Please!" Carlos sighed "I won't even imagine how I'll react if something will happen to you!"

"Carlitos I'm fine!" Chloe smiled at him "Okay we won't go for karts! At least can we go for a walk in the city?"

"Yes we can!" Carlos touched her hand "I'm sorry for reacting like that bug it's my first time! In the second time I'll be a good boy I promise!"

"We already plan for a second?" Chloe asked laughing

"Oh yes!" Carlos replied smiling "I learned that the apartment one floor above Charles is selling, do you want me book an appointment with the owner and watch it?"

"Yes after Monza we can go" Chloe said smiling "I'm so excited! We won't tell him! It'll be a surprise!"

"The babysitter Charles!" Carlos laughed "He'll change the diapers!"

"Hey!" Chloe laughed "It'll be so funny!"


On Friday it was Carlos' birthday, Chloe organised a surprise birthday party with Charles and Alexandra

"Hey you" Alexandra gave a hug to Chloe

"Hey!" The British replied smiling "We have to go and take the birthday cake from the pastry shop and then go in the venue"

"Good! So will we watch the practices?" Alexandra asked

"Yes, Ferrari organised a surprise birthday cake for Carlos!" Chloe said smiling "I will drive us!"

Chloe drove herself and Alexandra in Monza, the boys were already there

"Let's go" Chloe said smiling and they walked in the Ferrari Hospitality

"Hello girls!" Carlos said smiling and he kissed gently Chloe on her lips "didn't expect you today!"

"We decided come and support you on your free practices!" Chloe replied laughing "it's your birthday today after all!"

"Yes! And we have supported girlfriends Carlos!" Charles said proudly

"My parents are here" Carlos said and Chloe turned to him

"Where are they?" Chloe asked smiling

"In the cafeteria" Carlos replied "Will you go to them? I can't come cause I have a meeting"

"Yes it's okay! I go to find them!" Chloe walked to the cafeteria to meet Carlos' parents

"Hello darling!" Reyes gave a hug to Chloe "Happy Birthday to Carlos by the way!"

"Happy birthday to him!" Chloe said smiling and she hugged Carlos' father

Chloe sat with them

"I didn't know that you are here! I organised a mini party for Carlos tonight! Of course you will come and it's surprise for him!" Chloe said smiling

"Yes of course we'll come" Reyes replied smiling

"I will text you the details!" Chloe said

They enjoyed the Free Practice together and drove back in the hotel with Alexandra

Chloe changed into a mini black and white dress, small bamboo shaped earrings with matching necklace, black Dolce Gabbana sandals in black and Dolce Gabbana Cross Body Bag

Alexandra picked her and drove in the venue that it was decorated with Ferrari theme for Carlos' birthday party

"What time will he come?" Alexandra asked sitting next to Chloe

"Around 9 as Charles told me" Chloe replied laughing "I'm so nervous!"

The time was 9 and a half but Charles and Carlos didn't come yet

"Where are they?" Chloe looked at the time, it was past 10

"Where is him?" Reyes asked next to her

"I don't know!" Chloe looked at the time on her phone past 11

Chloe took a deep breath and she walked on the table with the foods and grabbed something to eat

Fucking pregnancy

Chloe looked at the time midnight

Alexandra walked to her a bit sad

"What happened?" Chloe asked in shock

"They... they won't come they have a lot of meetings..." Alexandra said and a tear fall from Chloe's face

"Of course! Monza!" Chloe sighed "I go back to my hotel"

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