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2 weeks later

Everything has been normal so far, Mr. Moore has been normal. So have I.

This history homework is killing me right now. I totally lied too Alex Moore when I told him I "love" history. I hate it. Who in their right mind would want to learn history? Its the most boring, difficult subject ever. The only reason I'm taking it is because I have too. And also i might like the professor. A little delusion never hurt anyone, right? 

I'm almost done with my classes for the day, so I might go have a shopping day. I didn't see Mr Moore today, because his lecture was candled. I wonder why? Anyway, shopping is one of the things that relaxes me the most, and I could definitely use some relaxation right now. I'm struggling a bit with university because I haven't been getting much sleep, but ill sleep when I'm dead, right? Hopefully. 

So far I've got 3 bags of clothes, and an ice latte. Spending problems? Yes.  Do is care? No. The next shop on my list is hot topic. I rarely buy anything there, but I like the shop. Its been raining lately, so I should probably buy a rain coat. I hate rain. Anyway, back to Hot Topic!

As usual, I haven't bought anything from here, but I am enjoying it! Hey! An Alice in Chains t-shirt! Buying it is the only option, I mean they're literally the best band ever. Ok, lets just buy it and go. Enough shopping for today...

Jeez, it is POURING rain right now, and I of course, decided to walk to the mall instead of driving. Genius decision, isn't it? Okay its my fault, Ill just have to deal with it. Its not the end of the world! Just a little rain, right? 

I'm soaked. I've only walked like a quarter mile, and I look like I fell in a lake! AND my new clothes are drenched. Why did I have to move in so far from the mall? Hold on. Is that who I think it is? Is that... ALEX MOORE?  He's stopping his car, oh crap crap crap he's stopping his car and pulling over right next to me.

"Amelia, why are you walking around in a storm?" His voice sounds deep and dreamy. But firm at the same time.

"I'm uhh walking back too my apartment, Sir." 

"So you think its a good idea to walk around in rain when all you have on is that t-shirt and jeans?  Its dangerous. And at the very least you'll get sick. And that means you'll miss my lecture, when you already seem to be struggling." Shoot, he noticed that.

"Uhhm... I- I don't have a jacket, and I haven't been sick in years." 

"That's it. Get in." what?

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Amelia. Get in the car. Ill take you home."  he sounds really serious.

"Umm... Its really okay. I'm fine."

"Amelia." jesus. fine.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Moore." i got in his car. Its a Porche 911 and smells super new and clean.

He hasn't said anything for 5 minutes, and what am I supposed to say?  This is weird. Great. New York traffic. Were stuck.

"You're soaked." yeah, no shit.

"I know... I'm sorry, I'm getting your car wet..." I can not afford to ruin this car. 

wait.. oh no. I just now realised my t-shirt is white. Its white and its soaked. That means its... SEE THROUGH. I try to cover myself up with my arms.

"Here, take this, put it on" he reaches for something in the back seat ad gives me a shirt, like the ones he wears to school. What am I supposed to do? Get dressed in his car?

"Oh uhh I wouldn't want to ruin it."

"Its fine. Take it, put it on. I can see right through your shirt, Amelia" He's staring at my chest. All I have covering me is a thin sports bra, and I'm cold, so you can clearly see my nipples.


"Yes, here. I wont look."  okay. I can do this. He's a good looking, grown man. He doesn't need to look at my boobs, I'm sure he's seen plenty. I take off my shirt and quickly put on his. 

"You look good." 

"I- Thank you."

Finally we near my apartment. I cant wait to get out of this car, even though it is a beautiful car.

"Ill bring you your shirt tomorrow.  Thank you so much for the ride."

"Its no problem. And don't bother with the shirt. I like it on you." huh?

"Bye, Mr. Todd."

I step out of his car, get my clothing bags and run to my building. 

I'm finally home. That was super weird, who says "you look good" to a student? His shirt smells of him. Its a masculine musky but sweet smell. Its late, so I'm just gonna try and forget all of this and go to bed. 

I dreamt of Alex last night. It was a really good dream. I wont get into the details, but lets just say it was GOOD.  I get up, have breakfast and head out. My first class is biology, and I've got science after that. And then... history. With Alex Moore. 

Its time for history class and I'm nervous to see Alex. Which is ridiculous. He's my teacher! I'm probably just imagining things and he's not even being weird with me, I'm just delusional.

"Good morning, Amelia." 

"Good morning, Sir." 

"I'm glad to see you didn't get a cold after your little walk yesterday."

"I told you, I don't get sick."

"Okay, sure."

"Class, lets get started..." 

The class is nearing its end and I sure am glad, because this lecture was hell. I didn't understand a single thing.

"Okay, you can all go home now. Except for you, Amelia. Stay back, we need to talk." what? does he want to talk about? yesterday? please, anything but that. My teacher seeing me in a see-through t-shirt and flimsy bra as not a memory I want to remember.

"Amelia, I wanted to talk to you about-"

"Look, I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean for you to see me like that"

"Actually that's not what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to ask if you wanted me to tutor you after school. I can see that you're struggling a bit, and I don't want you to fail." okay that was unexpected.

"Oh, uhh yes, please, that would be great."

"Okay then, Ill see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Sir"

Great, now I have to see him even more. Tomorrow should be interesting.

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