get a grip

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I'm taking the buss too school today. I don't want another running incident. Also I'm trying my best too forget about yesterday and start fresh. I have a class with Mr Moore today again. I cant say I'm not glad, last night i had a dream about him, which is slightly worrying as he is my teacher, and probably way too old for me. Although he looks maybe like 27 yrs old, which isn't that bad.  I have got to get my shit together. Crushing over a professor? SERIOUSLY?! This is not who I am.

I got to school on time today, Ill probably take the buss from  now on. My classes went pretty well, but I still have one left. Mr Moore's class... why the hell am I so nervous? Okay. Act normal.

So far so  good. I'm halfway through the class, and its going good. But I must admit, I've probably been staring at him all half hour, and he probably thinks I'm a creep. 

SHOOT. HE LOOKED AT ME. And I mean AT ME. Like in a looking straight into my eyes, intimidating but sexy kind of way. Maybe he likes me as well. No. I'm delusional. Get a grip. This is the most awkward lecture I've ever been a part of. He's acting weird, like he's trying to avoid my eyes now. The lessons almost done, and i will be OUT OF HERE as soon as it is. 

The lectures finished, and I can go home. Well no, not yet. I have to get past Mr Moore without making a fool of myself first. Okay, focus, you can do this. Act normal, walk quickly and get the hell out of there. Three, two, one, go.

Okay, doing great, aaand crap crap crap. He's looking at me. What do I do?

"Great lecture, Mr Moore."

"Its Alex. Call me Alex." okay sure, I guess I can do that. But why?

"Okay, uhh bye, Alex." That feels wrong. 

"Bye, Amy. Have a nice afternoon." "Oh, and also... I saw you staring at me all lesson today. Did you even learn anything?" CRAP. WHAT DO I DO?

"Oh uhh I'm sorry Mr moo- Alex. I guess I'm a little tired today, that's why I was umm looking. Well not looking like that, umm I wasn't- I don't- umm I-..."

"Its fine, Amy. Go home, have a rest. You seem to have one of my lectures every day all week. Passionate about history, are we?" Yea, history professor, more like.

"Yea, uhh I find it really interesting."

"I'm glad.  Let me know if you need any help, or an extra study session after school. Id be happy to help."

"Okay, thanks, Alex. Bye."

"See you tomorrow." 

Well that went great. Why would he tell me his first name? Another student tried calling him it, and Alex got super pissed. So why me? 

I'm almost back home now, my roommate already texted me three times trying to get some story's out of me, about how it went with Alex Moore. That girl should mind her own business. 


"Stop yelling, Kris."

"Oh, sorry"

"Thank you. And it went fine. I'm normal. He's normal. Everything is perfectly normal." Biggest lie of the year.

"Uh huh, sure. Keep telling yourself that."

"Its true! And also, he's my professor. Even if there was something there, its against the rules."

"Okay, Amy. Just saying, he is super hot." I mean I cant argue with that, but...

"KRIS! He's my professor! I'm stuck with him for the rest of the year!"

"Right, sorry." I'm so done with this woman.

"That's it. I'm going to bed. Bye." 

"Bye! Sweet dreams! Of Alex, perhaps!"

"KRIS!" I can not believe this. Not only do I have a crush on a professor, but I also have a completely ridiculous roommate.

Anyway, I brushed my teeth and had a shower. I have to go to bed early today, because my lecture with Alex tomorrow is at 7:30 AM. Can't lie. I am so exited to see him. This is probably the most miserable thing I've ever done.

literally no one is reading this. Still gonna keep writing though. Give your opinion on what I can improve:)

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