Jin- Where do you think she's going? He ask.

Taehyung- She's going to see the wedding planner. I said while eating some chips.

Hobi- How did you know? He ask me.

Taehyung- I heard she said that on her phone earlier. I said simply.

They nodded and we continue to eat in silence. After about 30 minutes, Mrs. Choi and dad came to our table and sit with us.

Mrs. Choi- Where's y/n? She ask While looking around.

Namjoon- She said she got something to do but still inside this mall. He said.

Mrs. Choi- Okay then. Let's wait for her. She said.

We nodded. Then, dad asking Mrs. Choi to accompany him to buy some snacks. After about 2 hours, we saw y/n was walking towards us. All of us look at her and gets up.

Mrs. Choi- What took you so long y/n? She ask.

Y/n- Nothing. Let's go home. I'm tired. She said lowly.

Dad- Alright. Let's go. He said.

We all walk together to our limo and left home. Once we arrived, we got off our limo and get inside along with our shopping bags except for dad and Mrs. Choi since they're going to wear it at the venue.

Y/n- Mom, I'm going to my room first, take a shower and rest. Maybe I won't be eating dinner together with you. She said.

Her voice was still and it seems like she is tired. I look at Mrs. Choi. She just nodded and smile softly at y/n. Then y/n walk away. I look back at Mrs. Choi was also looks at me.

Taehyung- What's wrong with her? I ask.

Mrs. Choi- Nothing's wrong. She's always like that. Being so hardworking till she gets exhausted. Taking care of other people too much till she didn't realize that she's getting hurt day by day. She always forgot to make herself as her priority. That's why I'm always worried she isn't with me. She won't be taking any rest if I didn't ask her or told her to. She said sadly.

I nodded and walk towards my room. I get inside and sits on my bed.

Maybe she is just a normal girl. I don't really see anything suspicious on her. She seems like she just be responsible on anything was on her plate and live her life normally. Wait........ What am I thinking. It's not like I will except her though. I thought.

I sigh, getting up and went to take a shower. After I'm done, I went to wear my pyjama and walk downstairs for dinner. Everyone was there except for y/n. I went to sit on my place.

Mrs. Choi- Seems like y/n won't be joining us. Let's just eat without her. She said.

We nodded and start to eat. When I'm done, I walk upstairs and decided to check on y/n. I peak inside of her room and saw she was sleeping peacefully. I closed the door and walks to my room. I get inside, went to brush my teeth then sit on my bed. I play some games since it was still early. After sometimes, my eyes started to get heavy and I fell asleep.


Thursday, 6:00 a.m


KRING.......... KRING...........

I groan, turn off the alarm and get up. Yesterday was tiring, I got 5 classes and had to go to company to do some work and only got to do a video call with the wedding planner. Her team are at the venue to arrange the decorations. Since I already told them the theme the other day, they just did what I've told them. Today is the day, the big day for mom. And I'm soooo glad that I only had 2 classes and going back home at 11:30 a.m. I get off my bed, do my morning routine, take my bag and phone. Then I went downstairs to dining room.

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