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???- What the fuck, Winter? He said in annoyance.

At the cafeteria


Yeonjun- What the fuck, Winter? He said in annoyance. 

My mind went blank for a second when Yeonjun oppa start to curse. He don't usually cursing, especially infront of me. So, I start to get confuse and turn around. By then I saw 4 girls were standing behind me with a smirk. Then, the one that I thought Winter, spoke. 

Winter- What oppa? I just wanted to warn this new girl to not to get closer to you. She said with a fake innocent face. 

I turn to look at txt while mouthing 'oppa?' with a confuse face. They just shrugged their shoulder. 

Huening Kai- We aren't your oppa. Plus, she has any rights to sit with us since we're allow her to. He said simply. 

I turn back around to look at those girls. They furrowed their eyebrows while looking at kai. 

Winter- Why? Why she can sit with you but we can't? She asked in confusion. 

I turn to look at txt once again. This time, taehyunie start to spoke. 

Taehyun- We have our own reason. Now, go away. We want to eat. He said simply and start to eat his food. 

I turn back around and saw those girls faces start to sadden a bit. 

Y/n- Now, it's clear. They said they aren't your oppa and they have their own reason to let me sit with them. So, can you just get lost. We want to eat. I said coldly. 

Winter- Huh. This must have be because you seduce them and make them let you sit with them. Because there's no one would let you sit with them. Of course, who would have be that dense to let a nerd to sit with them anyway. She said proudly. 

I gasp dramatically.

Y/n- Wow, you're right. You're so clever. Come on guys, give her an applause. I said while smiling mockingly. 

I turn towards blackpink and txt while clapping, signaling them to clap too. They also clap while smirking and continue to eat. They know me really well and act along with me when I ask to. I turn back to face those girls and drop my smile in a second. They were a bit shock to see that I can change my expression in a second. At this time, I notice the student that was inside this cafe start to look at us. 

Y/n- So clever that makes me wanted to put more brain inside your head so that you can think something more clever before saying anything. I said coldly. 

I notice there's some of student were trying to hold their laugh. 

?- Bitch. Who do you think you are? We are the queenka in this sch/uni. So, you're the one that need to get lost and stop talking to txt oppa, SLUT. She said furiously. 

What's wrong with this people? First, bts called me slut, now this girl. I thought. 

Y/n- I don't care who you are and can you stop calling yourself slut and bitch. I can sit anywhere I want and they allow me to sit with them. So what's wrong with it? I said mockingly. 

??- You. I think your mother was a bitch too that make her have a slut like you. Aww, poor you. She said while smirking. 

That's it. My blood start boiling while my hand start to clench a fist. 

Lisa- Ooopps. You push the wrong button girl. She said simply. 

My eyes turn dark. I walk towards ?? girl. She start to fright a bit and step backwards, try to keep a distance from me. I walk closer to her and slap her hard that makes her collapse on the floor almost immediately. Then Winter approach me and and about to punch me but I dodge it and choke her. Her two other minions eyes went wide when they see me choking Winter in the air that makes her feet didn't touch the floor anymore. I turn to look at the whole cafe that suddenly went silence. Then, I saw the student were staring at me with wide eye. I look back at Winter who's start to squirm and forcing my hand to let her go. I look at her in the eye and saw her eyes start to get teary. 

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