The Mortician's Daughter ♥ Andy "Six" Biersack {Chapter 5}

Start from the beginning

"Yeah," Kelly Anne said with a smile. "She's amazing."

"So are you like..." I didn't know how to word it. "Together?"

"No," she said sadly.

"Not yet, huh?" I said with a smile.

"Yeah," she smiled back. "Not yet."


For an "exclusive for friends" party, the place looked pretty crowded. "Oh jeez," I said as Kelly Anne and I walked up. Loud rock was blaring from inside. Alkaline Trio.

"Yeah," Kelly said as she opened the door. "They know how to throw it." We walked in. It was pretty dark except for some random blacklights and strobe lights. The song changed to "Vampire Heart" by HIM.

It wasn't as crowded as it had seemed from outside; it didn't even look like there were enough people to fit all the cars.

Kelly was looking for someone."Do you see Sandra?"

"No...," I said, looking around.

Suddenly someone walked up to us. "Hello ladies," Ashley said. "Drinks are over there, food is in the kitchen, and... yeah. I  think   Andy is taking requests, but I'm not sure. He probably just put a mix cd on."

"Oh, God," Kelly said. "Does he really have to dj at every party now?"

"Gee, thanks, love you too, Kell," someone said from right behind me. Andy.

"Hey, Raven," he said. I hadn't even turned around. But I could tell he was looming. He was so freaking tall.

"Hey," I replied.

Kelly Anne rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Where are the cute martini glasses?" She looked like she was about to head off for the drinks.

"You really think I'd have cute martini glasses?" Andy said, mock-appalled. "I mean, maybe for an actual party, but for a little get together like this? And hey, you know the rules--"

"Dude, I'm legally an adult now," she interrupted. "Party over here." And then she headed off for the drinks, leaving me between Andy and Ashley. I didn't even  have time to point out that she still wasn't legal for drinking just because she was 18.

"Someone had better keep an eye on her," Ashley said, and followed after Kelly.

Andy laughed, then came up beside me. "Walk with me."

"Oookay..." I fell into step beside him. We walked through the dark, strobe lights and Christmas lights lighting our way.

"There's someone I want you to meet," he said. "So that next time you can't say I don't know anything about tough relationships." I couldn't decipher his voice at that moment. Was he bitter? Sad? Wishful?

He stopped walking when we made it to a sofa, so I stopped too. "Hey, Scout," he said to a girl sitting on the couch. Presumably his ex-girlfriend. Or girlfriend. Sab told me of them breaking up and getting back together so many times, I didn't know which it was. "This is Raven, the journalist-slash-songwriter you wanted to meet. Raven, this is Scout."

"Hey," Scout said. "Nice to meet you."

"You too," I said. She looked prettier in pictures than in real life (okay, so I looked her up after I met Andy, so shoot me), so I wasn't lying when I said, "You're really pretty." I meant it genuinely, not in a kiss up way. Scout smiled at me.

"Thanks." All the while she was sizing me up. If we were going off looks alone, I could see why--according to Sabrina, anyway--Andy was so madly in love with her.

Andy walked over, sat beside her, and put his arm around her shoulder. Wait--Sabrina had just recently told me they were broken up? But she was only a hopeless fan, what did she know? I shockingly felt a twinge when he did that--I don't know what it was or why. He had every right to. Besides, I had a boyfriend, Peter, remember...?

"Oh, hey," Andy said, to me or Scout I wasn't sure. Maybe to both of us. "The guys are doing free ink tonight. You ready, baby?" That, I was pretty positive, was directed toward Scout.

She kind of winced. "Nah, no more for me for the moment."

He turned to me then. "Raven, how about you?" He would be the death of me, I was beginning to realize, if he continued to ask me to do things with those icy blue eyes that I could get lost in if I looked in them for even a second.

"Um, don't I need a parental consent form or something?"

He looked at me like I was on something. I kicked myself for seeming so young and naive in front of these older people. "We borrowed the stuff from a friend. This isn't a parlor. We won't tell."

"Maybe next time," I said dismissively. Little did I know he'd remember that...

"Oh, what, Peter wouldn't approve?"

"Exactly," I said, even though I really didn't want to get in to that.

"If he won't let you be yourself," Andy said, going on about some more 'philosophical' relationship advice, "and is trying to change you, he's seriously screwed up if he can't love you for you."

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