"We should go back to the Homestead, Newt. People might be looking for us. And I want to go tell Minho before dinner. It's gonna be hard to keep quiet about it otherwise."

"You're right. See you at dinner then."

~~Y/n's pov~~

I'm walking around in the Glade, and it feels weird. My heart is still going crazy from Newt kissing me. And I still feel the blood rushing through my cheeks.
The butterflies I feel in my stomach are almost making me feel sick. And at the same time, my head is going crazy too.

I just can't stop smiling, but I don't want it to make too obvious to other Gladers that something had happened.
I'm just gonna tell Minho about it, I'm too excited not to tell anyone.

"Minho! There you are."

"Me? I've been looking for you. How did it go with Newt?"

My eyes are filling with tears of happiness from thinking about it.

"What's wrong?" Minho asks, worried.

"I remember him again, Minho."

He looks shocked. "Everything?"

"Everything we've been through together. And everything about how I feel about him."

"Wow. That's great news, Y/n!"

"It gets better. We kissed."
I want to scream, but I can't. And if I see Minho reaction, he wants to scream too.

"No, you didn't."

"We did," I say enthousiasticly.

"Tell me everything that happened."

"Okay, so I went to talk with him again. But we didn't say much. We were just sitting there, and it felt very comfortable.
And Newt was feeling bad, so I asked if he wanted a hug. And he did, so we hugged, and everything felt so familiar again."

"I'm living for this type of story. We need more dating and drama in the Glade."

"I agree, but okay. So it felt pretty awesome. And then, Newt randomly gave me a kiss on my forhead.
And my brain stopped working for a second. Everything in my mind went black. Then it all came back. Every memory with Newt was back.
And I immediately felt in love again."

"That's so cute."

"I pulled away and just looked at him. I couldn't believe it. So I told him I remember him, us. And somehow, it felt like the right moment. For us both. So we kissed."

"This is the best thing that happened in the Glade so far. So what now?"

"Uhm, I don't know. Nothing at the moment."

I can see the disappointment on Minho's face. "Why not?"

"There's a no dating rule, first of all. And we need some time, you know.
We're gonna keep it quiet first, I can only tell you. So you need to shut your mouth, too, Minho."

"Sure, fine. I'm just very happy for you guys."

Minho is such a great guy to have as your best friend. I love how supportive he always is to me. I'm so lucky to have both Newt and Minho close to me.

Newt. I feel my cheeks becoming hot and red again just from thinking about him.
It feels so surreal that we actually kissed. I don't know how I had the courage to do that. Something inside my told me it was what I had to do.

When Newt kissed my forhead, it felt too familiar that the memories had come back in my head. The once from in the Glade, at least.

But when we actually kissed, that felt like firework. Lots of feelings overwhelmed me.
And now I'm sure that Newt and I knew each other before we were sent in here. And we kissed before. He was my first kiss.
Something about it popped up in my head, but it was gone pretty fast. But the feeling I felt about my first kiss, that's what I felt when I kissed Newt. It wasn't the first time.

~~End of Y/n's pov~~

Y/n and Newt have talked a lot in the last days. They can't stop telling each other how much they have fallen for each other. It's really like the first days of a high school relationship, but they both like it a lot.
And Minho, too, he thinks they are the cutest together. He loves to see how Newt is finally truly happy.

Y/n really was the thing that Newt had missed while being in the Glade.
The empty feeling he had inside is completely gone. That's why he really doesn't want to lose her.

They both have the feeling that they have known each other from before. It's the only way to explain why it feels so natural to be with each other in that way. Y/n really feels at home when she's with Newt.

But they're still hiding it from the other Gladers. It's been hard sometimes. They want to be together all the time but it can't. Newt has to spend a lot of time with Alby and isn't working in the Gardens much.

And when they are together, it's hard not to show anyone that's something is going on. They are constantly smiling when they just look at each other.
When they are eating, they always hold hands under the table, where no one can see it. And Newt would lay his hand on her thigh.

Every night, Newt stays up late until everyone looks asleep. Then, he goes to Y/n's room to give her a goodnight kiss.

Some Gladers, like the medjacks Clint and Jeff, realize there is something going on between them.
Newt and Y/n have both spent quite a lot of time in the hut of the medjacks. So they know them pretty well by now. And they were always there for each other. They saw Newt holding Y/n's hand a couple of times.
Now, it's obvious to them that there's more going on than they say.

They, of course, had to tell everyone that Y/n remembers Newt again. Y/n had told them that they were just talking, trying to trigger the memories, and that it worked.
It gave a lot of Gladers hope that they will get their memories back eventually.

Some Gladers are kinda suspicious about it. Not in the way of that they think there happened more.
They just find it really weird how the Creators took Y/n, wiped specific merories away, and sent her back. And after only a couple of days, those memories are back.
Nothing like any of that ever happened before. And it's now three years since Alby first arrived.

Alby doesn't really care about what's going on with the only girl and his second in command. Newt and Y/n don't want to tell Ably about their thing yet. They are too scared that they're gonna get seperated.
And Alby, he has more hope to escape from this Maze, now that they know memories can come back. But he is also a bit suspicious about it.
Was there something different about Y/n?

Newt knows for sure that Y/n is different. There is no one like her.
She's the only thing on his mind right now. It doesn't matter how long they will stay in the Glade, as long as he's with his Y/n.







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