18// Running

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A day has passed since Y/n and Newt admitted their feelings for each other. The only problem, they haven't told each other yet. They are both too scared to tell it.

So they just keep acting the same way as they did in the last weeks.
They act like there's nothing going on. They're just friends. Friends who get nervous whenever the other shows up. And who can't take their eyes off each other.

Minho knows about Y/n's feelings and Gally about Newt's feelings.
So if they just would talk with each other, Newt and Y/n could be sure the other feels the same way, without having to talk about it.

But Gally and Minho decided not to talk with anyone about it, so also not with each other. They both want them to tell it themselves.

Today went by like a normal day in the Glade, well mostly. Some Gladers had noticed something weird.
They heard the Maze changing in the middle of the day, a few times even. And now, the Runners are a bit longer gone than normal.

Newt is worried about them. What if the wrong section was open, and then there was a Griever who attected them?

Newt has told Y/n that he's worried. He has the feeling that something is wrong. So they decided to go and wait for them by the doors.
There are only 10 minutes left before they close.

"Don't worry, Newt, they're gonna make it back. They are all very talented and smart. They'll find the way back in time."

"It's just weird. They should have been back an hour ago."

Y/n is rubbing her hand over Newt's back to comfort him a bit.
Suddenly, they see the four Runners coming back to the Glade.
They're still running. Don't they know they have enough time to make it?

"RUN!!!" Minho screames as they come closer and closer.

Newt and Y/n look at each other. "What?" they both say at the same time.

They don't understand why they should have to run until they hear a sound that they normally only hear at night.


The runners have made it to the Glade, and now Y/n and Newt see the Griever that's running behind them.

They start to run for they lifes when the others paste by them. Y/n isn't thinking, just running as fast as she can.
But Newt can barely even run. His leg doesn't let him.

"Y/n, Minho!" Newt screams, hoping they would come back and help him.

Y/n turns around and sees how the Griever is right behind Newt.
The Griever holds out one of its metal arms and graps the boy with it.
The moster holds Newt strongly against its body and turns around. It's going back into the Maze.

Y/n stopped running and saw everything.
"NEWT," she screams, it's almost like a cry.

Minho now turns around. He sees one of his best friends being dragged away by a Griever.
And his other best friend running towards the Maze, following the Griever.
"I'm coming for you, Newt!" Y/n screams.

"Y/n, you can't go in there!" Minho screams, but it was too late. They both disappeared in the Maze.

Y/n has no idea where she is. She's never been in the Maze.
She's surrounded by big walls, covered with thick ivy. It sounds the same as being in the Glade, but this is way more claustrophobic. And of course, it's a Maze.

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now