11// Threatening

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I decided to keep the information to myself for a bit. I need to process this first. I have to wait for a good moment to tell Newt and Minho. To tell them that their crush is playing with their feelings.

I just don't want them to be hurt. But I know I can't wait too long. I'll see when the right moment is. If there ever will be a right moment for something like that.

I'm so mad at her. How can you be that selfish. She really needs all the attention. And she'll try to take everything and everyone she can.

How is that what keeps her busy. She's in this place, trapped, without memories. And all she's thinking about is boys.

I hate that I'm the one who had to discover this. I have to tell Gally as soon as possible. I'm not gonna do this on my own.

It's afternoon, so Newt is resting, and Rebecca is free. So I thought she'd be with him again now. Like always. But I see she's coming in my direction.

"Hii, Y/n. Can we maybe talk for a bit? I really want to tell you something!"

I have to do my best to fake a smile. Whatever it is, I'm not interested in her. Oh, no. What of something happened between her and Newt? Or Minho?
"Okay, sure."

"Perfect, let's go to somewhere else."

She takes my hand and drags me forward. We are going in the direction of the woods, the Deadheads.

She's taking me deep into the woods. It's darker here and cold. The sun can't reach this place. This feels wrong.
"This isn't really the nicest place to have a talk, don't you think?"

Rebecca turns around and looks in my eyes. She still has that smile on her face. It looks so fake.
"I didn't say it would be a nice talk."

The cold feeling is spreading out over my entire body. I hate Rebecca's giggling, but this isn't any better.
"What do you mean, Rebecca?"

She walks forward to me and pushes me with me back against a tree.
"Shut it, I'm the one talking here, and you're gonna listen."

"Excuse me, who do you think you are?"

Rebecca pulls out a knife and holds it close to my face. "I said, be quiet. I have to say something. And you're gonna listen to me."

I'm trying to look like I'm not scared, but I do not like the big knife in front of my face. And now I am too afraid to say anything. Screaming for help won't do anything either. We are too far away.

"You listen to me now, Y/n. I know what you've been doing. You have been talking with Minho and Newt about me. And I don't like that, not at all.
You should be minding your own business, so that's what you're gonna do from now on. You better keep your distance from me, Minho and Newt.
And second of all, I know what you know. You know I'm maybe playing a bit with them. But I don't care. I want them. And if I want something, I will get it. No matter what it takes. And you, you are going to keep quiet about it. You are not standing in my way. Not a word, not to anyone, you hearing me?
You stay away from us and you keep quiet about everything, also about this."

"Or else?"

Rebecca slides the knife down at my face. Not with enough pressure, so it could not get in my skin.
"Or else, you ask?"
She stops when the knife is on my neck and puts some more pressure on it.
"You'll see."

"What are you gonna do? Murder me? Do you think Newt and Minho are gonna like that?"

"SHUT UP!" Rebecca screams, and with a quick move, she made a cut in my arm.
It doesn't feel real, I look at it, and the blood still has to come. And the pain, it's coming to me slowly. After a few seconds, the blood is dripping out of the cut, sliding down my arm and falling on the ground. That's when the pain started to hit me. Don't cry, Y/n. Don't show her how you feel. Stay strong.

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