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Ava Paige: "Subject A17 knows too much! She should not be rememering things."

Thomas: "But she isn't really remembering things. The only thing is that she thinks her dreams are momeries."

Ava: "Which is true, Thomas! She realizes she knew Subject A5 before going in there.
In a couple of days, they're probably gonna play boyfriend and girlfriend. And she might be remembering even more. She's a danger for the project."

Teresa: "What do you expect us to do about it?"

Ava: "You need to give her something. So she won't be remembering things."

Scientist: "To do that, she'll need to be brought back here."

Thomas: "We can't go in there and just kidnap her. How are we supposed to bring her back in?"

Ava: "It can, through the Maze. Guards can pick her up there and bring her."

Thomas: "There is just no way that Y/n would go into the Maze. She isn't a Runner, she's never been in there."

Teresa: "There in one reason why she would go in. If Newt is in there."

Ava: "I don't care how you do it. Just make sure it's done."







Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now