He sat down on his chair pulling out his phone to scold hoseok for dropping a letter without telling him but something on his desk caught his attention

A sealed package.

He carefully picked it and frowned at the light box, he shook it gently and it felt like it was empty but the little sound like a paper inside said otherwise.

He tore apart the wrap and saw a plain box underneath. He proceeded to opening it and blankly stared at the content of the box.

He picked up the content which was an old picture precisely an old family picture. He gritted his teeth at the thought of the person that sent this. He turned around the picture and there it was.

Saying hellos, V.

So hoseok is right after all.


Taehyung left the office early after confirming his leave started that day. He handed over all his pending cases to his partner before.

He tried Jungkook's number again but it was still unreachable. He just wanted to see the younger one more time before he disappears again.

He sighed at another failed attempt and kept driving very focus. Hoseok had texted him that he is ready to fly out tomorrow morning so he is going home to get some of his things making sure to leave no trace of him ever been there.

He kept driving and soon noticed a black car was tailing him. He had taken a few turns to confirm and it proved that they are really following him.

Accelerating the car he took another turn in full speed leaving a screech mark of his car tires. He drove, taking turns to avoid joining any traffick jam. He took another turn thinking he has lost the tailing car but matched his brake hard when another car suddenly popped in front of him blocking his part

He luckily didn't drive into the car and immediately did a reverse but the initial black car was already behind him. He didn't stop reversing almost driving into the black car, he took a narrow turn and drive off.

He obviously was no longer heading to his house. He just drove ahead out of town.

He suddenly stepped on the brakes at the same car blocked his front but before he could reverse another car was behind him. He didn't avoid driving into it this time and drove straight into the back side of the car to give way but just as an opening came up a van was right behind him.

"Fuck!" He cursed as he noticed that he had submitted his gun earlier.

Soon his car was surrounded by men pointing their guns at him asking him to step down.

He slowly stepped out of the car with his both hands in air already counting how many men there was in his head.


"We will advise you to come with us quietly" one of the spoke.

Immediately one came to grab him he grabbed his armed hand, directing it out of his face before punching him in the neck and taking him hostage.

He collected the disarmed gun pointing it at the others "We are going to assume this to an unsuccessful mission, okay?"

He suddenly felt someone behind him but before he could turn around to defend or attack he received a hard hit on the back of his neck and suddenly all he could see was black. He internal cursed at himself.

This detective job has honestly gotten to his head that he was giving them options!

As consciousness left his mind he heard one of them say 'Be careful, we don't want to get in trouble for hurting him'


Taehyung has been adducted?


See you next chapter!

I purple you.

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