Minho slowly pulled a cutter from his pencil case, now hurting himself with the cutter.

He hadn't done this for a month. But once he did, he won't stop for the whole month.

Minho's wrist is bleeding, he just laughed out his pain.

Minho: I deserve it. I'm just a fucking burden, stupid, useless. I'm dumb. I've hurted him, and I think I deserve a lot more. Maybe I deserve even more to die.

Minho sat down there, waiting for his wrist to stop bleeding.

Minho couldn't help but to think how he had hurt Jisung.

Time skip.

Jisung was walking around the hallway, he suddenly saw Minho walked out of the restroom. He couldn't help but to notice some red mark around Minho's wrist.

Jisung slowly approached Minho, looking up at him

Jisung: What's wrong with your wrist? Jisung asks, having no fucking clue

Minho just stood there. No, no he can't tell Jisung..he don't want to be a burden anymore

Minho: just scratches from my cats... Minho said, not even looking at Jisung

Jisung: It's looks neater than a "cat scratch". Minho, did you just-

Minho: No. No, I did not. I fucking didn't. Minho hid his arm away

Jisung looks up at Minho, a clear worried look visible on the younger's face

Jisung: I know you did. Show me.

Minho hesitated for once, but then he ended up showing it.

A deep cut.

Jisung looks at the cut, fucking worried now

Jisung: Let's go to the nurse! Jisung said, worried about Minho

Minho didn't say anything and just follows Jisung, his tears falling from his eyes after years of holding them in

Time skip. The nurse checked Minho, and thankfully, the cut doesn't get any infection.

Minho looks at Jisung, his eyes is watery. He tried to hold him back, but he can't

Jisung: You can just cry, you know? There's nothing wrong with that! Jisung said, looking up at Minho. With his heart shaped smile.

Minho slowly hugged Jisung, crying softly

Jisung was shocked for a second, but he hugs back, comforting the older

Minho: Ji, I'm so sorry i- I messed up. I didn't mean that.. Minho said, looking down at Jisung

Jisung just smiled

Jisung: I'm fine, really! He smiled

Minho: I'm still fucking sorry though..

Jisung smiled, looking up at Minho

Jisung: everyone has reasons to let something go on someone. I understand, really. Jisung smiled softly

Minho: Thank you.. Minho said, feeling love and understood. He loves the feeling so much that it made him cry again

Jisung just kept hugging the older, rubbing his back. Comforting him.

Minho had never tell anyone about all the self harm he did. But, Jisung just made it better. His love, care and attention. It's just made Minho feel "new" again.

Minho just realized that he loves Jisung so, SAUR much.

Minho: Thank you, thank you... I- thanks.. Minho said, tightening his hug

Jisung smiled and giggled

Jisung: No need! I love comforting people.. Especially if I love them jisung looks up at Minho

Minho looks down at Jisung, their eyes locking together.

Minho: Thanks.. Minho slighty smiled

Jisung and him just kept hugging, Minho saying "thank you" over and over again.


I'm actually thinking to make some smut soon, are y'all down? HAHA.



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