Big Announcement about the rework

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As I continue to rework this story, I've come to the realization that Wattpad does not notify whenever a chapter is changed, only when a new chapter is released. Additionally, I have also come to the realization that this rework would be far larger than I had anticipated. Therefore I am stuck between the choice of continuing my release here or making a completely different story. RWBYKnights 2.0 if you will.

The rework, while massive, would not entirely change the major story or plotlines I've already set, just how it would get to that point. I would also be expanding on several characters that I, unfortunately, did not use that well. 

So now I've decided to make the rework a new separate story. It's a shame this will happen, but as a writer, I don't see it fit to leave a story like this. To those who do not know, I wrote this entire book in a single week and had unfortunately rushed the story to the detriment of the second and now third volume of the series, with original characters and even other characters feeling a bit out of place. 

Additionally, I feel like the story failed itself as a crossover as it somewhat lacks the primary reason of what makes a crossover so special. Which would be the interactions between the Arknights characters and the RWBY characters. This original version of the story would only see these kinds of interactions in special cases, and would often be limited to just Yelena or Patriot speaking, and nothing more. 

Anyway, I will revert this story to before the rework and leave this open for future viewers to see, and if you are new here, I should thank you for taking the time to read an outdated work. In the end however, no matter if you read this version or the rework, you will still arrive at the original destination of my upcoming Volume 3. 

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