Chapter Finale: Black and White

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The sound of explosion rang out through the city, with smoke pillars rising into the air, all looked in awe at whatever could have been happening at the city port...

Two girls in red and orange seemed to have been attracted the most, as they began running towards the smoke...


"Are you alright?" Yelena asked a fallen down Blake, still knocked down by Torchwick's attack, she looked around her as a barrier of transparent ice surrounded them. Taking a look outside, she could see the small army of White Fang soldiers begin their gunfire as they rained down heavily at them. Yet, the white rabbit's shield remained intact as yet another barrier covered them from the fire.

Blake could only crane her neck as she saw a figure shrouded with darkness, a shield on one arm and a massive halberd on the other. Dropping her jaw, she was helped up by the rabbit, only for the cat to realize that she was barely half the size of the man who stood to be their shield.

"Flank them from the side." Suddenly, a deep voice petrifies Blake as the man began taking steps forward, seemingly unfazed by the rain of bullets. To Yelena's part, she nodded as she looked at Blake.

"Oh right, em... This is my father." Yelena suddenly noticed the wide-eyed Blake and shook off the certification by holding her arm. Her scuffed introduction to her father only brought Blake's attention towards the white bunny. It took yet another second as she finally snaps back from her trance, shaking her head as she got serious.

"Alright, let's go." Blake said as the frozen barrier dissipated, the sounds of gunfire growing louder as the shield that muffled the sounds was gone. Nodding, the two sprang out from behind Patriot, charging towards the soldiers. 

On Yelena's part, frozen shields surrounded her and protected her from the gunfire as she struct the first soldiers with her arts. No, she remembered the many duels the other huntsmen have done under Miss Glynda's class, her arts now taking the form of both Free and Yang's fighting styles. Each strike of her arts were fast swipes thrusting forward, pummeling all those in her path.

Blake on the other side was a lot more agile, utilizing her semblance to get around bullet fire, she swung her ribbon connected sickle, skillfully cutting away the guns of the White Fang. She continued as she approached even closer, using her sheath like a cleaver, she began knocking away through the soldiers, with her moderately ranged ribbon connected sickle to deal with the further enemies.

As the two dealt with the sides of the White Fang, the middle group could only stare as the incoming wall of steel became bigger and bigger, soon enough, they began to crane their necks, as the red eyes of the Wendigo could only look down at his targets, raising his halberd. The strike was devastating enough even the concrete beneath them were taken away, as soldiers themselves were swept away like leaves.


"Dammit! Where did they come from!" Torchwick stomped his shoes in frustration as he looked at the White Fang being cut down like grass. Yet as he was about to do something, a banana peel fell from the sky. Turning his attention upwards, the boy with yellow hair also dropped down, intending to knock down the criminal with his descent, he braced for impact, only to get blown away by the hooded figure and their launchers.

Rethinking his actions, the monkey boy dropped down from a relatively close distance, with Skullshatterer released their retractable blades, intending to fight the boy, but was stopped by the criminal.

"Leave him, after all that's happened, I need something, or someone, to cool myself down," Roman said as he took out a cigar and twirled his cane, the boy being swarmed by more White Fang soldiers, he retrieved two nunchucks and assembled them to become a staff. Swiftly beating up everyone that he came across with his red staff, the two engaged as the man aimed his cane and shot out another flare.

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