𝐼𝑉. real life, instagram, & youtube

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     Carina and Madi were sat in the younger girl's room, Sweet Life by Frank Ocean playing in the background as the two did their makeup— Madi in front of the vanity mirror and Rina on the floor in front of the full-length mirror. Ever since the two girls moved in together they had been inseparable. It was hard to find them without each other. Even though they had their own rooms, they were constantly in each other's— laying in each other's bed, sitting on the floor of each other's room, or sitting at each other's desk. Sometimes there would be nothing spoken from either of the girls, but the silence and the presence of each other was enough comfort to each of them.

     The two teens were getting ready for the Avatar: The Way of Water premiere. Carina had been invited and was allowed a plus-one, so she asked Madi considering the invitation was also extended to Jenna— although Jenna and Jade had decided to skip out on the premiere and go on a date together. Madi gratefully accepted the curly haired girl's offer and now they were here, humming along to Frank Ocean and getting ready.

     Carina usually had a team that got her ready for these premieres but, considering this one wasn't hers, she didn't feel the need to go all out. Besides she enjoyed these little moments with Madi. She had a sister, but she had spent so much time away from her that she started to get lonely. And since getting to know and grow closer with the younger girl, she felt more complete.

     The song switched to Deja Vu by, their one and only, Jaden Fabroa and both girls immediately gasped.

     "Bro, if another song from Sour comes on I'm going to ruin my makeup with all my tears," Rina stated, before falling back into the song and singing the lyrics.

     Madi swiped the mascara over her eyelashes, leaning back to assess her face. "No, seriously. I just finished my mascara. I do not need this dripping down my face. God, why did she make this beautiful painfully relatable album?"

     "So thankful for this album. Jade's voice and writing deserves to be heard. She used to send me voice messages at like 3am of her playing and singing songs. I feel so proud of her."

"I would kill to hear those first demos of those songs. They are probably so much more heartbreaking," Madi sighed, as she stood up and grabbed the black dress laying on her bed. Rina hummed in agreement as Madi walked to the bathroom to change, not bothering with an actual response. She finished up her eyeliner, before walking to her own room to change as well. She decided on a simple, yet cute, black Prada blazer dress.

At the same time, both girls opened their respective doors and burst into giggles at their synchronization. Rina covered her mouth with her hand and gasped, "Madi Filipowicz, you're absolutely stunning. Truly an angel."

Madi grabbed the curly haired girl's hand, making her twirl around. "Says you. You're so unbelievably gorgeous, Carina Moore. A real movie star."

They both blew kisses at each other, before the eldest checked the time and decided they should probably start to head out. They went back to their rooms, making sure to grab their phones and anything else they would need. They locked up their apartment and walked down to the front entrance of their building where a limousine was waiting for them.

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