Interviews and Irritations

Start from the beginning

"God damn it… what is that idiot doing now?!" Wally said, annoyance lacing his choice as Julie stiffens and leans forward to get a slower look at the figures on the monitor.

"Hang on… is that…" she stood up suddenly. "That's y/n!" She said in shock, making Wally freeze. "Why is she soaked?"

Wally stands and begins to move to the door. "Let's go find out" he says, his expression hardening as Julie joins him.

The two if them make their way down to the production floor, every employee along the way immediately getting out of their way, seeing their annoyed expressions and not wanting to step into the crossfire. The finally arrived at the doors to the production floor. as the open the doors they are greeted with an explosion of noise as Y/n and Jeremy continue to scream at each other.

Wally growls as he strides forward, quickly parting the crowd of employees that surrounded the two of them, Julie quickly noticing that one of the newer female interns looked like she had been crying and going over to her.

As Wally approaches, Jeremy let's out a yell of frustration and goes to raise his hand to try and strike Y/n. He easily catches Jeremy's hand, making him whirl around in fury, before his eyes widen and the fury dies upon seeing who he was looking at. "What is going on here!?" Wally says loud and clear.

Jeremy opens his mouth to speak, but before he can make a noise, y/n loudly exclaims, "This man is an incompetent FOOL!"

You could hear a pin drop as the floor goes silent, y/n's voice ringing out.

Wally looks at y/n before growling out one word.


Y/n looks at Wally, fury plain on her face as she begins to explain what happened.

Jeremy had been cleaning in one of the machines on the floor, when the new intern gad walked by. She had paused, noticing that the "cleaning solution" Jeremy was about to use, was labeled "WARNING: EXTREMELY CORROSIVE". She tapped him on the shoulder, asking if he grabbed the wrong bottle, but he jerked his shoulder away, rudely saying he knew what he was doing. She persisted, saying that he really ought to double check just in case.

Jeremy rolled his eyes as Y/n came around the counter and saw the two of them. Y/n watched as he sarcastically stated, "it's so safe, you could bathe in it. Here- you try!" Y/n's eyes widened as she recognized the label ton the bottle as he unscrewed it. She dropped her clipboard or reports and sprinted towards the pair, shoving the intern out of the way just as he threw the acidic solution at the intern.

Y/n shoved the intern out of the way, sheildign her but causing the acid to spray across her back and shoulders, making her yell out in pain. The interns eyes widened as she yanked Y/n to her feet, pulling her toward the decontamination showers located on every floor and half shoving half leading her into and closing the door, then running to find a first aid kit.

By the time Y/n finished getting the office off, the intern had retrieved the first aid kit and a set of emergency shorts and a shirt. Y/n took the clothes into the shower with her and got dressed, ignoring the interns protests as she came out of the shower and marched over to Jeremy, who had just finished cleaning up the acid from the floor, and slapped him hard across the face and started yelling at him. They yelled for a few minutes before Julie and Wally came downstairs and interrupted

Wally looked over at his wife who was comforting the intern in question. She had been nodding along as Y/n told Wally what had happened, Jeremy yelling and calling y/n a lier as she spoke over him. Julie looked back at her husband, her expression enrage

"Jeremy? Did you attempt to throw acid on this intern?" Wally said coldly, his voice filled with barely controlled rage. Jeremy opened his mouth to protest, only to be interrupted. "Do NOT, LIE to me." Wally said, raising his voice as y/n watched him with absolute fury on her face, the skin on the vacuum of her arms and neck red, her back presumably the same.

"I- it should've been perfectly safe!" Jeremy said defensively, "that intern must have sabotaged me!" He said, pointing at the intern in question as Julie stands by her.

The intern's eyes widen, "I didn't! I pointed out that it was the wrong one, but I didn't touch it!" She sobbed out, "it would've splashed in my face if she hadn't shoved me out if the way!" She covered her face with her hands, causing Julie to rub her back with a furious expression. Julie looked at her husband, before seeing the now angry red patches on y/n's skin. "Y/n are you okay?!"

Wally looked at his assistant, taking note of her burned skin.

"I'm fine Mrs.Darling." y/n said through gritted teeth, making Julies eyes widen with concern. "Mr.Darling?" Y/n asked without looking g away from Jeremy.

He raised his eyebrow, "yes Ms.Y/n?" He said, trying to keep his voice level.

"Before I go find the infirmary that I've heard so much about, permission to beat the shit out of Jeremy?" She said, her hands clenched into fists as she grits her teeth, her eyes burning with rage. Jeremy's eyes widen in slight fear, awaiting Wally's answer.

Wally looked shocked for a moment, before saying one word-


Y/n immediately lets out a furious shriek and launches herself at him, tackling him to the ground and straddling him to hold him in place."YOU SONOVA BITCH" she screams and starts repeatedly punching Jeremy in the face, making a small smattering of cheers emit from the gathered crowd.

As Y/n beats Jeremy, Julie sends the horrified intern back to her dorm, telling her to take the rest of the day off. That taken care of, she joins her husband and watches the beat down taking place in front of them.

"... so. When should we put a stop to this?" Julie asks casually, enjoying the show just as much as her husband.

He studies the one-sided fight and shugs, "I don't know, it is Jeremy after all." He sighs, "however, we should see to it that y/n gets upstairs to see Poppy. Those burns look quite unpleasant."

Julie nods in agreement, and tells one of the other employees to gather y/ns clothing from the decontamination shower and bring them to the infirmary as Wally moves forward to break up the fight. He does so by catching y/ns fist as she pulls it back to strike Jeremy again.

She immediately whips her head around to look up at him, small tears in her eyes as her burns become more and more painful. "I do believe he has received enough for now Ms.Y/n. Rest assured that he will be officially reprimanded as well." Wally states firmly before loosening his grip on her wrist. Gently pulling up to get her to stand up.

She winces slightly, and lets Wally lift her to her feet, letting him pass her to Julie, who gently begins leading her to the infirmary. He turns back to Jeremy as they walk towards the door.

He glares down at the man, before speaking, his voice severe."You are suspended without pay for a minimum of two weeks." He looks up at the crowd. "Someone take him to his dorm and make sure he stays there. I have other matters to attend to." He swiftly turns, his lab coat flaring out behind him as he leaves to catch up to his wife and assistant, silently impressed at her fury and what it wrought

"Not bad Ms.Y/n… Not bad at all…"

Y/n… Not bad at all…"

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