Chapter 15

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Steve paced around his apartment while waiting on Natasha. He had called her since he couldn't reach anyone else, and she said she was bringing Sam along. He would glance at Senta every chance he got, he didn't know what she was capable of, and he didn't want to know. He heard the knock on his door, and he quickly answered.

"What did you need my help with?" Natasha asked, getting straight to the point.

"There's a guest from another realm." Steve said, glancing at Senta. Natasha pushed past him, and Sam followed her, they stopped when they saw Senta.

"What's going on? Who is this?" Sam asked.

"My best guess is someone from Thor's realm. She mumbled Loki's name in her sleep." Steve said.

"Wait...Loki? Crazy dude that tried to take over the world with aliens?" Sam asked. Natasha nodded still staring at Senta.

"Do you think Loki sent her here to do his dirty work, or maybe Loki could've-" Natasha was cut off by Senta slowly getting up and looking around at her surroundings. They stared at her as she stared back.

"Tell me, what is this place?" She asked them.

"You're in Washington D.C." Steve said. "On Earth."

"Midgard? Why would they bring me here?" Senta mumbled to herself.

"Who are 'they', and what is your relationship with Loki?" Natasha asked.

"They are my brothers, and Loki is my husband." Senta replied. The three of them looked at her in shock.

"You're joking, right?" Natasha asked.

Senta shook her head, "I do not jest about this."

"Great, she even talks like them." Natasha mumbled.

Steve let out a deep breath, "Look, why have you come here, and what does Bucky have to do with any of this?" Senta looked at him with confusion, tilting her head to the side and quirking an eyebrow. Sam laughed because she reminded him of a confused puppy, and earned a glare from both Natasha and Senta.

"I know nothing about a Bucky, but somehow my brothers have teleported me to this realm with a gem from my realm, Muspelheim." Senta said.

"You aren't from Asgard?" Natasha asked.

"That's not important, Nat. Just tell us who you are and why was Bucky with you, I won't ask you again." Steve said, getting a little agitated with her.

"I am Senta Surturdottir...of Asgard now. I know not who this Bucky is that you keep referring to, and I won't tell you again." She said, with just as much attitude and grit towards Steve.

"Okay, this is getting too weird for me. I don't know what an Ass guard is, and why it needs to be guarded. I'm gonna leave this to y'all." Sam said, about to leave, but Natasha pulled him back.

"I have no knowledge of Midgard, and I know not why I am here or why this 'Bucky' was with me, but I do know that my brothers will be back. They must be using Bucky for some reason." Senta said.

"You and your brothers, what are you?" Steve asked.

"We are the Muspeli, sons and daughters of Muspelheim. Realm of the fire demons." Senta said. "And I am..." Senta started, but her eyes rolled to the back of her head. The whites of her eyes quickly turned black, then she fainted. Steve quickly caught her before she could fall.

"Hey! No, don't do that!" He said to her, gently shaking her.

"We need to go to a hospital." Sam said.

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