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Jay arrived onto the scene in a rather awkward manner, seeing that the entire ride to the warehouse was filled with a thick tension thanks to Wu. He knew his sensei was worried about the Lloyd, but damn, even the limo driver shuffled about awkwardly through the entire drive.

"Ready?" Wu asked

"I sure hope so. But if they stampede me in there, I might have to go missing too." Jay responded in an attempt to lighten the mood. When he turned to see Wu stone faced and silent, he awkwardly cleared his throat

"Ahem...sorry..." Jay spoke before he and his sensei began the walk into the warehouse.

Jay always had complex feelings about Con Day. He always felt as though his day would never be as popular among young fans as Kai's or Cole's, but he was also happy just having a day to himself, where people came to celebrate his achievements, even the little ones.

He was ushered to a powder room by a couple of serious looking employees. They poked and prodded at the ginger's face, applying setting powder to his oilier areas and rosy blushes to his cheeks and lips. The blonde who stood above him with nothing but unrelenting focus and precision in her eye finally relaxed her face as she sprayed down Jay's with setting spray

"Alright, let that dry, and you'll be good to go for whenever you're ready!" She beamed

"Thanks...!" Jay smiled in response, struggling not to examine his face in the mirror until after the pretty blonde left

"You look fine." Wu sighed with a small smile

Jay snickered softly as he watched himself move in the mirror. He looked weird. Or at least he thought he did. He had a round face that held big, bug eyes, a short, stubby nose, and pink lips that always appeared too thin to him. Freckles littered his body everywhere he looked, and his dusty orange eyebrows and lashes always made him look more flushed than he actually was.

The ginger sighed heavily before standing up from his seat and heading over to a nearby door,

"Alright, enough of that...I'm ready." Jay smiled

As Jay opened the door and stepped onto the scene, his fans cheered loudly. Jay smiled softly to himself as he took notice of all the makeshift blue ninja gi's people wore.

Back at the monastery, the remaining ninja were devising a plan to find Lloyd before Wu and Jay made it back home.

"Look, there's not a lotta places Lloyd can get on his own. Combing the city ain't necessary, he only goes to like 3 places." Cole spoke in a cool tone

"That isn't the problem!" Nya exclaimed in frustration. "The problem is: We have no way of knowing if he ever even got to those places! He's the green ninja. Don't you think it's possible he could've been kidnapped on the way?"

Silence filled the room

"Before we jump to any nasty conclusions, let's check the areas he frequents and start our search there." Zane spoke while Kai, who was wrapped in his arms, scoffed lightly

"So what? Brad's house? The school? Pixel probably has no clue where he could be, and every time we even bother talking to Brad, it's 'cause Lloyd is missing. I say leave him be, he's a big boy. If he wants to come home, he will." Kai spoke finally

"Are you being serious?" Nya quizzed with a look of mild disgust on her face

"Very." Kai responded in a heartbeat

Nya started at her brother, anger swirling around in her eyes before she opened her mouth to speak,

"What the hell's wrong with you? You always-"

NINJAGO: Amateurs of Adulthood .2Where stories live. Discover now