'You said.''You said!'

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'Anyone put their name in yet?' Ron asks me as he walks over with a smiling Harry. Kat looks away from the Goblet of Fire that had been placed in the middle of the hall. The golden line traced on the floor, surrounding it.

'The Durmstrang lot have.' She replies, closing the Defence Against the Dark Arts book on her lap. 'Haven't seen anyone from here yet.'

'Bet someone has already.' Harry chuckles as they reach me. 'Probably.' Kat chuckle before hearing a familiar group of laughter. 'Or, about to.'
Turning around, Harry and Ron notice Lee, Fred and George hurrying over, all with giant grins on their faces.

'We've done it, lads.' Fred glees, reaching the group of students.

'Cooked it up just this morning.' George continues, holding up a vial of potion. 'One drop each.' He looks down at the captain and smiles. 'Kat's idea.'

'What?' Ron asks, looking blankly at the twins.

'The Aging Potion, idiot.' Kat chuckle before standing up between the two gingers. 'And don't bring me into this.' She points to George.

'It's not going to work.' Hermione warns, in a sing song. The twins look at each other before crouching down beside the book driven girl. 'Yeah! And why's that, Granger?'

'You see this? This is an age line.' Hermione starts, 'Dumbledore drew it himself.'

'So?' Fred shakes his head, staring at her.
'So' she slams the book in her lap shut, 'a genius like Dumbledore couldn't
possibly be fooled by something pathetically
dimwitted as an age potion.' Rolling her eyes, Hermione looks to Kat for help but she just shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders.

'But that's why it's so brilliant.' Fred smiles at her, 'cause it's so pathetically dim witted.' George adds, making Kat chuckle slightly.

Jumping up from beside Hermione, the twins stand onto one of the benches, shaking the vials in their hands.

'Ready, Fred.'
'Ready, George.'

'Bottoms up!' They shout in unison before drinking the potion. Kat notices George's cheek suck in, showing the chiselled bones.

They jump into the circle and pause for a moment before cheering. 'Yeah!!' They cheer for them, mouths smiling widely.
As they throw their names into the goblet they wait in anticipation. Waiting for something to go wrong. But nothing does. We cheer some more. Kat claps my hands together, supportively as the twins circle the goblet. George smiles at her as he cheers past.

For a split second, she thinks to herself that it has worked but the next thing everyone knows, there's a loud sizzling noise and the twins are sent flying across the hall. They land a few metres away from the goblet as everyone rushes over. Pushing through the crowd, Kat reveals the twins with full white beards.

'Holy shit.' She laughs along with a few others, watching as they grab their faces.

'You said.'
'You said!'

As the twins jump on each other, wrestling and rolling like animals, the hall rings with laughter. Noticing that the twins were laughing, Kat smiled as they began to part, laughing as they got to their feet. Taking a good look at each other's identical, long white beards, they break into laughter before hearing a deep, familiar house behind the crowd of students.

'Shit!' Kat yelps as Professor Dumbledore comes into view. 'Language, Miss Hunt.'
'Sorry, Professor.' Kat apologies, hiding her laugh behind her hand.

'I did warn you!' The Professor tells the twins, his eyes glaring slightly. 'I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. Miss Hunt!' He points to her, making Kat jump slightly closer to the action, 'take them there.' He pauses for a second. 'And make sure they get there.'
'Yes, Professor.'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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