What a time to be alive

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'Look, she's waking up.' I hear the familiar voice chime as I move slightly on the uncomfortable bed.

'Madame Pomfrey?' Lee calls. My eyes open slightly, the blurred vision of the twins beside me. Waking up properly, I rub my eyes with my sleeve before pushing myself up. Feeling a pair of arms help me up, I blink to see George moving the pillow behind, making it more comfortable.

'Kat? You good?' Fred chuckles as I cough slightly, reaching over to the side table to grab the glass of water. I nod at Fred as I take a deep gulp from the glass, feeling the cold water flow down my dry chest.

'Hey!' George wines, 'That's mine.' I flip him off before finishing every drop of his water.

'That felt good.' I relieve before placing the empty glass on the side table.  'What happened?' I question, looking up at the twins who sit either side of the bed. 'What time is it?'
The twins look at each other with worried looks before turning back to me. I notice the saddened look in George's eyes. 'Georgie?'

'Kat, I'm so sorry.' He apologies, taking my hand into his. I feel my heart drop into my stomach at the look on his face. 'George?' I whisper, looking up at him.

'It's been a year.' Fred sighs, making me look up at him. Pulling my hand away from George's I clench it over my mouth to stop me gasping.

'W...what?' I stutter, trying to find a breath.

'Kat, you've been unconscious for a whole year.'

'We're so sorry.' Fred apologies as tears begin to form in my eyes. I notice a slight twitch in his lip.

Fuck you Fred.

'I hate you two!' I exhale, leaning back into the pillow. The twins break out into laughter as they hold their hands on their chests. 'Fucking idiots!'

'Language, Miss Hunt!' Madame Pomfrey tells me as she comes hurdling around the hospital curtain, followed by Lee.

'Sorry.' I mutter, lifting myself back up.

'How are we feeling, Miss Hunt?' She asks, pulling the cover off from over my legs. 'Fine.' I shrug. 'How long was I out for actually?' I ask, giving a dirty look at the twins.

'Just an hour.' She smiles before looking closely at my eyes. 'When can I leave?'

'Now if you wish. Your head will feel a bit sore for a few days but you're all good.' She smiles before walking away, leaving me with Lee, Fred and George.

'So, Katheryn.' Lee raises his eyebrow before sitting on the edge of the bed. 'You wanna go to the Three Broomsticks later?' Wiggling his eyebrows at me, I kick him with my foot, making him fall to the floor.

The twins break into more laughter as I rise from the bed and pull my robe from the back of one of the chairs.

'Guessing that's a no?' Lee groans, holding onto his ribs.

'That's a no, mate' George laughs, holding his hand out for him. 'She has standards.' Fred chuckles.

Yes I do!

After clearing myself up and making my way to the common room, I rub the back of my head, feeling the lump made in herbology. The boys walking in front of me, talking about their products and other stuff. As we approach the Fat Lady's portrait, George falls back and lingers beside me.

'Kat?' He mutters under his breath, his croaky voice creating shivers down my spine. I look at him with a smile, noticing his slightly falling. 'I'm so sorry.' He apologies, looking to the floor.

'George,' I raise my arm to his shoulder, 'You don't need to apologise.'

'But I hurt you.'

'George, it doesn't hurt anymore.' I tell him, before making my way through the now open portrait. 'Besides, it's a good story to tell.' I chuckle as I skip over to the sofa, feeling the warmth of the fire hit my body.

'Fucking hell, I'm tired.' Fred exhales, slouching himself onto the chair.

'Than sleep' Lee shakes his head as he slits his wand into his sweater. 'Fine.' Fred rolls his eyes as I jump onto the sofa, pulling my legs up to my chest. 'Georgie, coming?'

George slumps onto the sofa beside me. 'Nah. I'll stay up for a bit.' He replies.
'He just wants to stay with kat.' Lee flirts as he moves closer to us, making kissing noises.

'Fuck off.' I laugh.

'Piss off will ya.' George groans, kicking Lee away from the chair. 'It's the truth.' Lee glees as he makes his way up the stone steps to the dorms, Fred following after him.

I look deep into the fire, the flames flickering like pages of a book. Beautiful. I feel George readjust himself beside me, his usual scent spreading in the air.
Turning to him, I smile, raising my eyebrows. A peaceful silence between us. Just the cracking of the fire in the background.

'I'm s-'
'Shut up!' I warn George, knowing exactly what he was going to say.

'You don't even know what I was going to say.'

'Yes I do.' I comment, adjusting my legs so I'm crossed legged in front of him. 'I'm so sorry, Kat. I didn't mean it, Kat.'
He looks at me with a blank expression before turning to the fire. 'Guess you did.'

I huff before turning to the direction of footsteps approaching.


'Hey, Gin.' I smile, leaning my chin on the back of the sofa.
'Hi, Kat, George.' She smiles. George salutes to his sister without looking away from the fireplace.

'What's got his broomstick in a muddle?' Ginny asks, leaning herself on the sofa. I turned to George as he closes his eyes in tiredness.

'He's tired.' I tell her, gaining a side eye from the moody ginger.
'Same here.' Ginny admits. 'I was about to head up.'
'I'll come with you.' I say jumping from the sofa. 'See ya later, twat.' I scrunch George's long hair before making my way up the stone steps.

Once the common room was out of sight I turn to Ginny as she leads the way. 'Long day?' She asks, turning back.
'You could say that.' I chuckle, pulling my shoes off my feet, feeling the cold stone on my souls.

'I heard what happened.' She tells me as she opens the door of her dorm. I lean against the doorframe as she begins to pull off her satchel before chucking it on her bed.
'Oh, that.' I shake my head, 'it was nothing. I don't know why people are making a deal of it.'

'Well, from what I've heard.' Ginny begins before pulling off her shoes, 'George is being a little bit protective, or should I say, worried about a certain someone.' She wiggles her eyebrows at me before placing her shoes at the end of her neatly made bed.

'Oh shut up.' I chuckled before pushing myself off the frame. 'I'll see you later. Night.' I tell her before stepping away from the door. 'Night.' She smiles as I close the door.

I make my way further up the tower to my dorm. Pushing it open I'm met with a groan from Angelina, 'shut the door!' Doing as she says I shut the door before walking over to my bed. Noticing a sleeping Katie in the bed next to mine I rush into the bathroom and change into my pjs before returning to my bed.
Pulling the curtain around it, I lay back, sinking my head into the pillow. The thought of the day running through my head, over and over.

What a time to be alive.

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