The Hogwarts Express

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The end of the holidays were here, and it was time to say goodbye to Mr and Mrs Weasley. Leaving the burrow was going to be hard for me, I feel more at home and safe here, especially after the Quidditch Cup incident.

As the heavy rain splats against the window, I finish stuffing my belongings into my trunk, leaving the picture of me and Dad at the top. I get dressed into my favourite jeans and my red hoodie and head out of the room, dragging my trunk behind me.

Walking out onto the landing, I see Fred, George, Ron and Harry, carrying their trunks, smiling and joking. I pull the trunk onto my back and make my way down the stairs where a busy Mrs Weasley works hard to get breakfast ready. Dumping my trunk at the bottom of the stairs, I walk over to her pulling my jumpers down further. 'Can I help, Molly?' I ask rolling my sleeves up. The red faced mother looks up at me and smiles before whipping her wand out from her apron. 'I've got it, sweets.' She grins, waving her wand into the air, making the plates filled with food and goblets filled with juice fly throuugh the air before landing onto the table.

I admire her work before making my way to the table. As I pull out a chair I get pushed to the floor by a tall red-headed baffoon. 'Oh.' I yelp as I hit the stone floor. 'George Weasley!' Molly calls at her son, as she rushes around the kitchen. 'Sorry.' George appologises, lowering his arm to my level. I push myself up onto my elbows, 'It's ok, Georgie.' I chuckle, grabbing onto his long arm. 'Fred pushed me.' He looks at me worried.'

'Did not!' Fred lies, pulling out a chair beside me to sit on. George turns to his brother with a glare before turning back to me. 'He pushed me.' He whispers, so only I could here. I chuckle softly as I brush my arms. 'Here.' George smiles as he pulls out the chair, allowing me to sit down. 'Cheers.' I raise my eyebrows at him as I make myself comfortable. George sits the other side of me, before grabbing a piece of toast and shoving it into his mouth, the crumbs falling onto his clean sweater.

'George!' Mrs Weasley shouts at him, 'Manners.' She points to his sweater, as he brushes them off onto the floor. I laugh at the big child as the others walk into the kitchen with their luggage. 'Can't you take us, Dad?' Ron groans as Mr Weasley walks into the kitchen, a jump in his stride. 'No, Ron. I've told you, I've got to get to the Ministry.' Arthur chimes as his happy self, looking over at thr food covered table. 'Look at that.' He smiles, clapping his hands together.

I look to the side of me, noticing George looking at a piece of parchment on the table. I go to look but George scrunches it up in his hand. 'What was that?' I ask. He turns to me fast and smiles softly, wiping the jam from his face with the back of his other hand. 'Oh, nothing.' He says before looking over at his father. 'Dad?' He asks, swallowing the last of his toast. 'If your not taking us,'

'Who is?' His twin finishes. I turn my focus back over to Arthur who stands by the entrance to the kitchen. Arthur turns slowly before a tall, bald man walks in, a smile placed on his face. 'Dad!' I smile, jumping up from the chair and running over to him. Opening his arms, he embraces me with warm hug, rocking me side to side. 'How are you, Pet?' He asks, pulling away from me. 'How was the match?'

'Oh Merlin, it was amazing. The atmosphere was great. We all had a good time, well except for at the end. That was a but traumatic.' I laugh, watching his smile grow larger as he laughs along with me. I notice his smile disappear slighly. Looking around at the others, I grab his hand and pull him into the warm living area.

'Dad, what's wrong?' I ask, looking up at him. He takes a deep breath, 'It's your mother,'


'She, wants you home.' I look up at him, shaking my head quickly, my eyes filling with tears. 'No!' I exhale. 'I'm not saying you need to go.' Dad comforts me as he rubs his hands on my arms. 'I want you to go to Hogwarts. I want you to be happy. I want you to be the brave captain you are.' He smiles, wiping a fallen tear from my face. 'Thanks, Dad.' I sniff, pulling him into a hug. He places a kiss into my hair as I take in his love.

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