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Summer has come too quick. The thought of being away from Hogwarts for 6 whole weeks. The only good thing about the holidays were that I get to see my parents, well my dad. Mum was always working.

I grab the last things from my draws and stuff them into my trunk. Once all my thing are in my case, I drag the heavy trunk down the stone stairs and into the common room, where Filch will collect them and take them to the train.

I spot Fred and George over by the fire talking to Oliver about Quidditch so I go over and sit down next to George on the sofa.

"You alright, Kat?" Fred asks while sitting back down onto the arm of the sofa.

"Yeah, I'm sort of relieved to go home but than again I don't really want to." I lean into the back of the sofa and look over at Oliver. "I'm going to miss you Wood." I smile softly at him. He replies with one himself.

"And us?" George raises his eyebrows. I slap him lightly on the arm and laugh. "I'm going to see you, idiot, not Oliver though." I look over to him and notice a slight pain in his eyes. "He is moving after all," I lower my head trying to hold back the tears forming in my eyes.

"What?" I feel George move in his place.

"Your leaving?" Fred gets up from the end of the sofa, making me look up at the boys.

"Yes," Oliver exhaled, trying to keep his sadness in.

"Why didn't you tell us?" George asks while walking over to him.

"What?" I stand up from the sofa and lean next to George. "You didn't tell them?"

Oliver simply shakes his head before slumping back into the arm chair he was previously in. "I'm sorry."

"Mate, you should have told us," Fred sits back on the small table behind him.

I feel all the happiness in the room disappear. "It's not his fault, Fred."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I've had so much on, it must have just slipped my mind, I'm sorry." He snuffles.

We sit back down for a bit. I make sure Oliver is all ok before we start to head down to the station. I walk between Fred and George as we talk about things to do during the holiday.

"I'm coming to yours on week 3 with dad, so we can do that prank on him then." They nod along as we walk down the stairs to the entrance of Hogwarts. We spot Professor McGonagall talking to Dumbledore. I decide to keep walking before I notice her pointing towards me.

"Miss Hunt, can I borrow you and Wood for a moment?" She asks with a huge grin on her face. "Sure." I tell the twins to keep going and that I will meet them on the train.

Oliver and I follow McGonagall to an empty classroom. "I'm sorry you're leaving Wood, you've been an amazing student let alone a tremendous Quidditch player."

"Thank you, Professor. I hope to continue playing later on in life." He smiles before looking at me.

"Miss Hunt," I turn to the motherly witch before me. "There is something Wood and I need to give to you." She pulls a box from her cloak and passes it to me.

I look up confused at Oliver, "What is this?" I start to pull the lid off along with the brown paper covering the content. "Just open it."

I lift the paper up to reveal a Quidditch kit. I snap my head up to Oliver with my mouth shaped as an O. I quickly look back down and read the words on the jumper:

"No!" I jump, trying to hide the tears from them. "Really? Me?"

Oliver nods with a massive smile on his face. I chuck the box on the table and wrap my arms around him. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He squeezes me before I let go of him and turn back to McGonagall. "Thank you Professor," She smiles before giving me a bag to put the kit in and letting us go down to the train.

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