The Quidditch World Cup

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A few weeks have flown by and I've forgotten all about mum and the London School. With no more dreams about George, I thought that one time was only because of all the stress and drama between our families.

Today's the day of The Quidditch World Cup, and I can't wait. Joined by Harry and Hermione, Mr Weasley, Ginny, Ron, Fred, George and I enter the woods on our way to the infamous portkey dad is always talking about.

"There have been two hundred portkeys placed at strategic points around Britain, and the nearest one to us is up the top of Stoatshead Hill," Mr Weasley points as we head up the steep hill, occasionally falling into the odd rabbit hole.

I walk between the towering twins as we laugh at Ron who keeps sleepily falling into ever available hole. "Honestly Ronald, watch where you walking." Hermione demands as she continues her climb up the hill. The twins and I laugh at them as we track up behind them.

"What sort of objects are portkeys?" Harry asks curiously. Sometimes I forget how uneducated he is, living with his Aunt and Uncle, who happen to be muggles.

"Well, they can be all sorts of objects, anything really." says Mr Weasley. "Unusual things you see, so muggles don't go picking them up and playing with them." Harry nods as they continue their climb.

Every so often the twins push themselves together, squashing me in between their torsos.

"Oww! Stop!" I laugh.

"Boys stop being yourselves" Mr Weasley turns to us with a serious look upon his face.

After receiving a daunting look from their father, the twins move away with utter shock. Mr Weasleys never that serious, I wonder why he is all of a sudden.

"Well," Pants Mr Weasley, taking of his glasses, wiping the sweat forming on his fore head. "if you ask me we've made it in good time," I look around at the derelict fields and continue my confused look to George, who justs gives me the same confused look and a shrug of his shoulders.

Hermione walks over to us, clenching the incoming stitch in her side. Followed by a moaning Ron.

"Now all we need is a portkey," Mr Weasley giggles with glee as he continues the last few metres up the hill.

"How much further?" I mutter to the twins hoping they know where we're going.

"Dunno, but if we go any further I bet you a sickle my legs will fall off," Moans Fred holding onto George's back. "Mine will go first with you clinging onto me," George pushes him off with some force.

"Over here, Arthur!" Shouts a voice from the bushes on the edge of the field we'd finally got to. Two tall figures silhouette against the sun setting sky. One short and plump the other tall and slim.

"Amos!" Mr Weasley chimes, smiling as he strides towards the man. We follow hoping to find out who they are before our legs fall from our bodies. "Everyone, this is Amos Diggory, Amos, everyone." Mr Weasley introduces us.

I nudge George's arm, "Diggory? Isn't that..." Before I can finish a tall handsome boy jumps from behind the trees. "This strapping young man must be Cedric," Mr Weasley holds his arm out for Cedric to shake.

Cedric. That's right Cedric Diggory, he was the captain and Seeker of the Hufflepuff's Quidditch team at school.

"Hi" Cedric says looking around at all of us. Everyone says "Hey" apart from Fred, George and I. We still haven't quite forgiven him for beating Gryffindor in the first Quidditch match of last year. Before I was Captain.

"Kat, I believe you're the new captain of the Gryffindor team next year." Cedric smirks as he goes to shake my hand. "I am," I look at his open hand, "and we are for sure going to win now that you're not on the Hufflepuff team."

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