King Is Involved?

12 3 18

His house was huge.

From outside the grand golden gates, I could clearly see the white and gold themed mansion standing big and tall.

It made me feel so so small, not gonna lie. It was like my house times six.

I wasn't expecting this at all. I mean, I knew he was wealthy and all but I guess it just dawned on me how wealthy his family really is.

What did I even expect? He is the son of Mr Frank Edomobi, multimillionaire business man and our school's biggest sponsor, I should have seen this coming.

“Come inside”

I turned to look at King who I didn't realise was standing on the other side of the open gate.

He was dressed in a grey hoodie and black shorts, a slim silver chain adorned his neck and a pair of black Crocs on black socks sealed the look.

He looked casual.

It was weird seeing him this way, I'm already used to him being dark and intimidating but right now, he looks quite... friendly.

Except from the dark circles around his eyes. That's giving insomnia.

He led me into the house, which was even more beautiful on the inside than the outside. I was tempted to take some pictures but that'll be weird. I'll just wait till I'm alone.

He he.

The house was silent as we went down a wide corridor. Since I entered the only person I had seen besides him was the gateman, no other workers seemed to be around. It creeped me out.

We continued until he eventually stopped at an already open door. He turned and gestured for me to go in. I did and he entered behind me.

It was kind of like a living room. I don't know what to call it but there were couches at one side and a on the wall, there were shelves filled with books and then in the middle of the room was a square table, there was a chair on either side of the table.

It was neat.

The wooden colours and tiger print rug gave the room a warm vibe.

“Wow, what is this place?” I couldn't help but ask. It felt very homy, a feeling I didn't expect in such a big house.

No offence.

“Its my... bed room” He said in his subtle deep voice.

I wasn't expecting that reply. How could this be his bedroom when there was no bed. I wanted to ask but I decided to keep quiet.

“have a seat” he said pointing to one of the wooden chairs around the table.

I walked over to it and sat, dropping my bag on the table.

“So did you start with something” he asked with his back towards me, as he walked over to a shelf.

He was talking about our project, the reason I was here.

“No, not yet” I say, I hadn't even thought of it the whole time.

I stopped looking at him and looked at myself in the mirror. I could only see my upper body. The black hoodie I was wearing almost swallowed me, but that was the look I was going for anyway. More importantly, my face looked uneasy. That's exactly how I felt.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Chiamo said yesterday.

You don't want to get involved with King.

She didn't tell us what she meant by that though. But still my mind wondered.

Could King really belong to a cult? Does he plan on using me for money ritual?

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