6: All out Brawl part 1

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In the midst of the island exam, all hell broke loose.

All the classes had gotten into an open conflict between one another. Rules have been thoroughly ignored by all sides and the school itself couldn't do anything about it. Not because they're too lazy but teachers are said to not be allowed to intervene in class conflicts it seems.

It all began after Class C students had decided to throw a glitter bomb towards Class D students all the while Class B students were visiting Class D students. 

Once the glitter bomb detonated, much to the dismay of Ichinose who got glitter all over her long strawberry blonde locks, and Ike who got glitter all over his eyes, resulting him in screaming bloody murder whilst running around like a headless chicken, The Three Classes got into open conflict with Class D retaliating against Class C, only to catch Class B in a crossfire once again.

Meanwhile Class A, who was just chilling in their cave was suddenly and deliberately attacked by Class C students despite their alliance.

Chaos soon ensued and now it was less about class points and more about total dominance.


"Ichinose-san, Kanzaki-kun's calling for you"

Ichinose blinked as she looked at Mako who had waved at her to come with her. She stood up from where she was tending first aid to a class B student, handed the responsibility to Himeno, much to her displeasure, and then started trekking towards the territorial boarder of Class B and Class C.

As she walked, she would be greeted by other Class B students, which in turn, she would return the greeting with a smile and wave. It was to be expected of the Class' Representative.

As she makes her way down the dirt path, a parapet comes to view. Kanzaki stood upon it along with a couple of other students. They seem to be discussing something in that moment.

"Kanzaki-kun, what seems to be the problem?" The strawberry blonde girl asked as she approached her right hand man.

"There has been some strange developments, Ichinose-san..." He remarked cooly as he pointed at a student that was carrying a white flag.

"That's far enough!" Cried out Shibata who was with Kanzaki before Ichinose had arrived.

There standing at a distance was Ishizaki with a megaphone. Kanzaki couldn't help but wonder where Ishizaki got that, seeing you can't purchase that with points in their current exam (not that the exam matters anymore at this point)

As Ishizaki spoke into the megaphone, feedback began to ring out, causing the class B students to winch in irritation.

"Ryuuen-san extends his grace to you lot! He is willing to discuss the terms of surrender!" Ishizaki cried out through the megaphone.

Kanzaki would then turn to Ichinose. Seeing that she was the class' leader, her decision would be paramount. Then again, Kanzaki prefers it if she didn't surrender.

Of course Ichinose, being the competitive leader that she is, would smile at her comrades in kind to reassure them.

"Tell them politely that we refuse" She remarked. Kanzaki would nod and was about to respond when Shibata placed his hand upon his shoulder.


"What?" The young man raised an eyebrow at the football player.

"Please... let me have this... I've been waiting all my life for this opportunity" Shibata remarked with vigor as he grinned happily.

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