5: Holding Back

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Scenario: A different take in revelation to Ayanokouji's skills being revealed.

"Holy Shit..."

"One Hundred Points?!"

They stared at the board with envy and shock as they looked at my name being at the top of the leaderboard. Not only that but it seems I rank at the top of the year level itself, surpassing a genius like Sakayanagi in Class A.


Horikita slammed her hands on the table as she then immediately pointed at me. "I knew it, you were holding back since the beginning!"

"I wouldn't say I was holding back... I'd say I wasn't just putting in the effort" I said, but it seems that Horikita doesn't appreciate my reasoning as she brandished her compass before me like a psychotic killer bent on killing me the moment I made a mistake.

"That's it, you... Stay put! No going anywhere, we're doing a class discussion."

"Alright is everyone here?" Horikita asks as she looks at everyone pointedly.

Hirata raises his hand "Ah Horikita-san, What's wrong?"

She then pointed at me and said "That boy! That's what's wrong!"

Oh boy... I feel like this is going to be quite constructive...

"Oh yeah, that cheating bastard who got a one hundred shamelessly on the math exam!" Ike cried out, pointing at me as well.

"Haxx! I call haxx!" Miyamoto added into the accusation train as he too pointed at me.

"If you're going to cheat, Ayanokouji, you should have at least made it less obvious!" Hondou said, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Knock it off! I don't think someone as bland as him doesn't have the balls to cheat!" Kei defended and insulted me at the same time. Of course she discretely looked at me and gave me a wink. Ah yes, you get headpats later...

Her acting's getting better.

"Look, you idiots, this ain't about him cheating, it's about him holding back!" Horikita said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Oh yeah? If he's holding back then I have a girlfirend!" Ike declared, much to the disappointment of everyone else in the room.

"Kanji... why? Why do you go through the effort" Sudou could be seen face palming as he felt second hand embarrassment hit him.

"Life is a constant struggle! I'll stop when I die" Ike said with utmost determination.

"Ignoring the stupidity coming from that area of the room, The class had come to a consensus-"

"You made that consensus, Horikita-girl" Kouenji said as he looked at the mirror upon his hand, uttering out 'oh how beautifully perfect I am as always!'

"Right, I made a consensus under the vocal majority of Class D that Ayanokouji-kun is holding back his abilities"

"Actually we just think he's cheating" Miyamoto stated

"I literally sit right next to him! If he was cheating, I woulda seen it!"

"Oh yeah? Then show us the proof!" Shinohara doubled down

"There is no proof!"

"Isn't that convenient?"

"Ugh! Look, Im aware that Ayanokouji-kun did not cheat! I know he's intelligent because he gave me ideas about how to save Sudou!"

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