Good End- (Sayaka) Belonging to Each Other

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I look down at the entrance key in my hands, then at the struggling Akira. My gaze didn't remain on her for long however, as the sickly-sweet smile on Saiko's face was quick to gain my attention. I could not deny how it made my heart skip a beat.

I looked back down at the key. I didn't feel the need to give it to him to save Akira, but the need to do as he asked. So, I tossed over the key. "Here..." It landed in front of him with a loud clanging noise that echoed throughout the empty halls.

"(Y/N) you idiot! What are you doing?!" Akira cried out. "You should've run away when you had the chance!"

'Maybe she was right... Maybe I should've...' But it was too late now.

Despite my compliance however, I only saw displeasure on Saiko's face. "Of course you would've... It's such an easy decision for you, and all for your precious Akira..."

'How did it seem like an easy decision to him?' But besides that... 'Hold on, doesn't he always refer to Akira as senpai?' I shook my head before speaking up. "Let her go Saiko. I did what you asked."

"Stop this..." He whispers to himself, but I could still hear it. The expression on his face was almost unreadable, and his eyes stared intensely at me with conflict. He started shaking, with frustation? I couldn't tell. After a while of standing in tense silence, he pushes Akira towards me. "You can go now." He spoke harshly at her.

"Ah! (Y/N)!" She yells, startled. Before she could land safely in my arms, without thinking, I moved out of the way. For the first time since we first met, I found myself not wanting to be touched by her. "Ack! Ugh..." The force from Saiko's shove had sent her tumbling to the floor. She quickly stood up and ran to my side. "We need to get out of here now! We-"

"You can't leave without this key though." He interrupted her, turning to me, playful once more. "Oh (Y/N).~" He dangles the key in front of him, speaking amorously to me. "Come and get it! My little bunny.~" He ran off down the hall.

Calling my name and teasing me, with that cute voice and sweet smile... At this point, I knew full well what I was feeling. "Don't leave..." I no longer wanted him out of my sight, now I was the one to chase him. It was what he wanted, he asked for it, and I was willing to do as he asked a second time.

"He won't get away! I refuse to let this happen!" Before I could do anything, Akira shouts before taking off after Saiko.

I sigh to myself before hurrying after her. Because I was exhausted, the both of them easily left my line of sight. Who knows how I would react at the sight that would soon greet me...

(Meanwhile With Saiko)

The sound of footsteps running after him was exciting to him. He didn't think to look behind him to see if it really was (Y/N) following after him.

When he got to the school's entrance, he turned around with a smile, only for it to disappear in less than a second when he laid eyes on an angry Akira. "... Why are you here? Why is it you?!"

With newfound courage, Akira approached Saiko. "Give back that key! I don't doubt (Y/N) went through a lot of your messed up game because of it! Give it back!"

He moves away from her reach, speaking angrily. "Why should I when you're not the one I want?!" He keeps trying to evade her, but she managed to grab ahold of the key. Saiko backs away and stares at her for a moment in surprise, only to be overcome with more anger. "I... I can't allow that!"

He lunges at Akira, strangling her. "A-Ah! Ack! *cough*"

"Hey, senpai..?" He stares down at her, a sickly-sweet smile growing on his face. His blood red eyes, narrowing. "I'll kill you..!" She struggled for a bit, but it all soon came to an end. Her breathing, her heartbeat and any sign of living she had was gone.

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