Chapter 4- (Akira) Sticking Together

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As much as I'd love to hide her somewhere safe, there's no way of knowing if it really is as safe as I think. It's better to just keep her with me, to keep a watchful eye on her. It's for Akira's sake! Not my own selfish reasons!

"(Y/N)?!" Akira was still in shock from the recent events. Can you blame her? She almost got attacked by Saiko, and now she's suddenly thrown over my shoulder with me running down the halls. "Where are we going?!"

"Uh... That's what I'm trying to figure out!" It was hard to think, talk, and run at the same time. Even harder when someone, who is out for blood, is coming after you. "By the way, I won't complain if you got any ideas in that cute head of yours! Just so you know!"

"Um..." She starts moving around and I had to try not to drop her.

"Hey, I'll drop you if you keep moving around like that!"

I heard an almost clinging noise. "I found two keys. One is to a storage room."

"Which one?"

"This floor's... I think?"

"Good! We'll head there then."

After a while of running down the halls with Akira on my shoulder, we finally got to the storage room. "Ugh... Hurry and... Huff... Get in!" My heart was beating hard against my chest, and I can hear it hammering in my ears. Once inside, I immediately sat on the ground, trying to catch my breath.

"Are you going to be okay?" After locking the door, she sat down next to me, looking concerned.

"Me? Oh... I'm fine... I just feel like my lungs and heart are about to explode..." After a while, my heart finally calmed down, and I was able to catch my breath. "Okay, on to our next plan of action. You said you found two keys, right? What's the other one?"

She sighs, furrowing her brows. "About that..."

My face most likely mimicked hers. "Did you drop it? Do you remember what kind of key it was?"

She looked frustrated with herself. "It was another classroom key..." She slammed her hand against the floor. "I just had to be so scared that I dropped it! It would have been better to drop the storage key, but no... It just had to be the more useful one..."

I won't lie and say I wasn't disappointed, but it's hard to stay or get angry at someone you like, especially if they genuinely feel bad about something. All I could do was sigh in response. There was silence between us, and while I was looking Akira up and down for any injuries, it was only then that I noticed that she was lacking footwear. 'How come I didn't notice before? More importantly, why was she barefoot in the first place?' Without thinking much of it, I started taking off my shoes.

"What are you doing?" Akira was quick to question me.

I didn't speak my reason and just held them out in front of her. "Here."

She immediately got the idea but refused. "What? Hold on, no, I'll be fine without any."

I sighed once more and moved in front of her, crouching. "It wasn't an offer."

"But I don't need them, I'll be fine."

"If you don't need them, then neither do I." I argued. "It's either you wear them, or neither of us."

"E-Excuse me?" She started to sputter out words. "What- you can't- why you- you can't just do that!"

"You might as well wear them, if I'm not going to wear them either way." Making up her mind, she took them before putting them on. "There we go Cinderella. Now, can you tell me why you were barefoot in the first place?"

A Night with Yanderes (Genderbend! Saiko no Sutoka X Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum